[vcf-midatlantic] New web site is live

Martin A Flynn maflynn at theflynn.org
Tue Dec 1 18:04:01 EST 2015


Most Excellent!


On 12/1/2015 5:43 PM, Evan Koblentz via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
> Ta-da!
> http://www.vintagecomputerfederation.org
> This is our new web site. Major thank-you(s) to designer Darren Kerr, 
> his boss Steven Toth for allowing Darren's time on this project during 
> work hours, and Bill Degnan for programming. Also thanks to Dan 
> Roganti for designing the logo.
> There will be much more content in the days/weeks/months ahead. What's 
> there so far is just the very basics.
> We are working on a tweak to the mobile version. It works, but you 
> can't see any content loading unless you scroll down, so to a newcomer 
> it appears as if the menu links don't do anything.

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