[vcf-midatlantic] Vaxman

VAXman at tmesis.org VAXman at tmesis.org
Tue Dec 1 20:06:06 EST 2015

David Hoelzer via vcf-midatlantic writes: 

>Sorry to bother you listmates=E2=80=A6 
>Vaxman, I=E2=80=99d really appreciate it if you would reach out and =
>explain to me why I suddenly have a PayPal payment dispute from you but
>= no other emails to explain it.  I tried to reach you directly but your
>= listed email address bounces. 

Sorry, my wife and I were reviewing the PayPal for the yearly upcoming tax
season when she asked me what cybersecurity was.  I, for the life of me,
didn't recall.  Now that you've contacted me, I recall this.  Sorry but I
couldn't find any other email referneces to cyber-security.  I'll remove
the dispute immediately.

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