[vcf-midatlantic] Need Yamaha C1 EPROM images

Ethan telmnstr at 757.org
Tue Dec 15 10:23:44 EST 2015

Longshot but looking for the bios and 3rd chip EPROM images from the 
Yamaha C1 286-10 "music" laptop.

I posted the floppy disk dumps that are pack in including some developer 
dox (including pinout of expansion connector!) in both disk image and zip 
format online. I also posted the EPROM dumps that I have -- I noticed text 
from the Copyright notices is corrupted so I'm thinking my issue with the 
computer is the eproms are going bad. There sems to be a lot of flaky/dead 
units out there (when I can find them.) I think the machine is strange 
enough not to be able to use other generic bios copies.

Link of floppy files and my (prob bad) bios dumps:

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