[vcf-midatlantic] Bulk 5 1/4 inch floppy disk purchase

Tony Bogan thebogans at mac.com
Thu Dec 31 21:16:03 EST 2015

Anyone interested in a bulk   NEW   floppy disk purchase? If in my area (ny/nj) will be cheapest. I say this area because shipping will drive cost up but I'd gladly ship anywhere in the US once they arrive if wanted. Locals make out better of course.
Price will work out to be between $.30 & $.40 each my cost for    NEW    floppies depending on quantity purchased and shipping cost to me.

Your cost will be exactly the same as mine plus shipping to you. Obviously if in my neck of the woods we can meet half way.
List quantities you want in this Conversation or email me directly. We get enough of an order I'll front the $$ for the purchase and collect once I can show the disks are in my possession if that makes people more comfortable.
Sent from my iPhone

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