[vcf-midatlantic] List test

Herb Johnson hjohnson at retrotechnology.info
Tue Nov 3 18:19:47 EST 2015

Just to describe (again) how I post and read, if it's informative. For 
some with send or receive issues, this may be a "plan B". My reasons for 
these methods don't matter.

I write an email with my email client on my computer, with the email 
address of the list

vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org

as "to:", and the subject line in this case cut-and-pasted from the 
maillist Web page archive of messages (as this one was). That seems to 
work, to insert my message in the correct "thread" (I'll find out again 
after sending) but possibly out of "reply tree" order.

I send it of course, from the email account and name I registered on the 
list. Sending from another email account, of course, would be rejected 
as "you aren't registered here".

My emails are text-only, but there are some embedded ASCII formatting 
(my trailer below appears as grey not black text when I read it).

I read the list from the list's Web address for the archive,


..which may be a little hard to find. And it may require a "cookie" to 
validate access to that Web page (or may not). I have  access to 
messages by date, topic, author and to individual message.

I don't guarantee what I've described is correct or accurate. If not, 
others can offer corrections, if the methods are worth documenting.

I was going to describe how some of the emails I recieved before 
disabling email distribution, and describe how some of them look on the 
Web interface. The simplest thing I can say, is that some messages seem 
to have HTML which does not readily display content; the content is 
visible when looking in "source mode", ignoring all HTML tags and 
displaying them as embedded in the text. ASCII inspection of "ill 
formed" messages may be informative to the knowledgeable.

My point is: this means of writing to the list, and to read the list, 
ought to be available to anyone with means to construct emails as I've 
described, and to browse the Web (presuming the archive is visible to 
non-subscribers). And so it's a "plan B" when one's primary access has 


Herbert R. Johnson,  New Jersey USA
http://www.retrotechnology.com OR .net

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