[vcf-midatlantic] More Pest Toast then, thx for the failure feedback

Dan Roganti ragooman at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 20:53:45 EST 2015

On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 8:48 PM, Corey Little via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:

> Thanks for the feedback on the last post Dan, Tony.  This is the other
> end of the spectrum, logging in to the gmail web interface I never use
> and figuring out how to select "plain text mode".

​I thought you had a diff email client, such as thunderbird since you have
a dedicated domain.​

> If this doesn't
> ​ ​
> come across readable then I do not know what to try next.

This came thru loud n clear on my end


> Also FWIW, I have yet to see my posts show up echoed in my inbox, even
> once.  I have checked the preferences I have selected and do not have
> echo turned off.  Anyone else seeing (or not seeing) their echo?

​I don't exactly see the echo, as I recall Gmail filters out the duplicate​
and just retains just the 'sent' email in my Mailing List folder for this

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