[vcf-midatlantic] More Pest Toast then, thx for the failure feedback

Corey Little curator at cpmuseum.com
Tue Nov 3 21:18:11 EST 2015

OK, kicking it up a notch then, attempting a text only reply from pop3 client, as alternative to logging in to gmail.  

Thx Dan for confirming that the text of my gmail web client came through without issue, for at least some.  The domain's email is managed by Google for business.

Tony, I am still not seeing any of the content of your replies to the board, by the time they come across to my inbox they are blank emails with empty .eml attachments.

Troubleshooters down under delight. ;-)
-Corey L.

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: vcf-midatlantic [mailto:vcf-midatlantic-
>>bounces at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org] On Behalf Of Dan Roganti via
>>Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2015 8:54 PM
>>To: vcf-midatlantic
>>Cc: Dan Roganti
>>Subject: Re: [vcf-midatlantic] More Pest Toast then,thx for the failure
>>On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 8:48 PM, Corey Little via vcf-midatlantic <
>>vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the feedback on the last post Dan, Tony.  This is the other
>>> end of the spectrum, logging in to the gmail web interface I never use
>>> and figuring out how to select "plain text mode".
>>​I thought you had a diff email client, such as thunderbird since you have
>>a dedicated domain.​
>>> If this doesn't
>>>>>> come across readable then I do not know what to try next.
>>This came thru loud n clear on my end
>>> Also FWIW, I have yet to see my posts show up echoed in my inbox, even
>>> once.  I have checked the preferences I have selected and do not have
>>> echo turned off.  Anyone else seeing (or not seeing) their echo?
>>​I don't exactly see the echo, as I recall Gmail filters out the duplicate​
>>and just retains just the 'sent' email in my Mailing List folder for this

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