[vcf-midatlantic] our new museum -- micro exhibit -- pick 28! (Evan Koblentz)

Neil Cherry ncherry at linuxha.com
Fri Nov 6 09:18:23 EST 2015

On 11/06/2015 09:00 AM, Bob Shuster via vcf-midatlantic wrote:

> I believe an 8-bit Atari system needs to be part of any exhibit concerning early
> microcomputers, either an Atari 400 or Atari 800.  The first one came out in 1979 and
> was a logical extension to the successful Atari 2600 gaming console and was a big part
> of the “home computer as gaming console” movement.  Star Raiders was the best game and
> a big selling point!  If nothing else, Atari remained an important computer
> manufacturer, pushing the leading edge (for example first computer to include a MIDI
> interface with the ST line) and should be represented.

I'd argue against the ST, at this point in history the clone army had won. ;-)
The ST wasn't a good machine it was an after thought in design. I had one and
I'm an Atarian, I have no love for that machine other than it got my hands on
a 68K chip.

> Also noticeably missing is the TI 99/4 or 4a.  Among the first (if not *the* first)
> 16-bit home computers, and the TI 99/4a held about 35% of the home computer market at
> its peak before Jack Tramiel and Commodore buried them.

35%? Really? Doesn't that seems a bit high? I recall the Apple, the Commodore 64 and
the Atari 800 being the home computer big 3. That doesn't mean I'm correct just

> I definitely believe Atari and Texas Instruments should be represented as important
> companies in early home computing.

> I would also make a half-hearted appeal for a Mattel Aquarius computer, the
> least-successful home computer ever.  This came out in 1983 to compete with the VIC-20
> and TI 99/4a, and was cancelled four months later.  About 8,000 were sold.

With no room at the inn, not likely. But as a future display of home computer
wars, that would make for an interesting part of the display.

Linux Home Automation         Neil Cherry       ncherry at linuxha.com
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Author of:    	Linux Smart Homes For Dummies

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