[vcf-midatlantic] our new museum -- micro exhibit -- pick 28!
Dean Notarnicola
dnotarnicola at gmail.com
Fri Nov 6 10:18:36 EST 2015
Agreed with Jeff and Neil. This museum is for enthusiasts such as
ourselves, but to a somewhat larger extent also for the general public, to
whom the consumer micros had a larger impact on their lives. With that in
mind, perhaps the exhibits should be weighted a bit more heavily in that
direction, which would then include unique examples of the major players at
the time ( Atari, Commodore, TI, Tandy/RS, Sinclair, IBM, etc.)
That being said, I think it would be vitally important to showcase earlier
(DEC, Xerox, Altair, various single-boards, etc.) to show a clear history
of what influenced the creation of those "newer" systems. After all, the
overall mission is to educate, n'es pas?
On Friday, November 6, 2015, Neil Cherry via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:
> On 11/06/2015 07:53 AM, william degnan via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
> Comment about list:
>> The Atari (anything) is more historic than the PDP 8 clone, as this is a
>> microcomputer exhibit. To that end, I'd also avoid any AT&T machines
>> except the 6300. The UNIX PCs are workstations not micros. Xerox 860 is
>> not really a historic micro. It was more of a business machine used often
>> for terminal emulation, etc in an office environment. If you narrow the
>> scope to home/small business micros that will help narrow the list.
> Good point on the Xerox, Not sure I understand the AT&T comment, did you
> mean
> the 7300?
> I think the PDP-8 is a good example of the DIY mentality though taken
> to the extreme.
> The Apple, Atari, Commodore were the big 3 in the home market in the
> late 70, early 80's. And while I never saw an Apple in K-Mart during
> that time, I did see the Atari, Commodore and Timex Sinclair 1000.
> --
> Linux Home Automation Neil Cherry ncherry at linuxha.com
> http://www.linuxha.com/ Main site
> http://linuxha.blogspot.com/ My HA Blog
> Author of: Linux Smart Homes For Dummies
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