[vcf-midatlantic] UPDATE -- Festivus food thread: Who's bringing what?

William Dudley wfdudley at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 15:30:53 EST 2015

We shall bring my wife's home made Chinese dumplings.
They filling will be beef so that all meat eaters may partake.

Bill Dudley

This email is free of malware because I run Linux.

On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 11:32 AM, Evan Koblentz via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:

> Updated what Neil is bringing.
> ---------------
> Cleaned and updated the thread. -EK
>> To anyone bringing stuff: please plan for approx. three dozen people.
>> ---------------------------
>> VCF will provide:
>> - burgers, beef hot dogs, rolls, toppings
>> - snacks (chips, pretzels, candy, etc)
>> - soda, iced tea, bottled water, etc.
>> OMARC: the grill
>> Evan: tray of soft pretzels
>> Corey L., via Kelly: beer
>> Vaxman: pork ribs
>> Neil: Fudge nut brownies, apple cider doughnuts, carton of apple cider
>> itself, plastic cups
>> Tony: Brownies, cookies, cupcakes, styrofoam plates, styrofoam cups,
>> coffee + machines
>> Chris F. Plastic utensils, napkins
>> Connor: Dunkin Doughnuts
>> Dave R.: beer, pasta, cooking stove, propane tank
>> ** Stuff we still need:
>> - pasta sauce (tomato works, though I'm partial to vodka sauce!) +
>> something in which to cook it -- or bring it cooked and we'll heat it on
>> the came stove
>> - stuff for coffee: cream, milk, sugar, stir-ers, etc.
>> - any other appetizers / sides / entrees beside red meat
>> - any other desserts / snacks
>> - Be creative: anything else??

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