[vcf-midatlantic] VCF's HOPE exhibit

Dan Roganti ragooman at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 21:11:50 EDT 2016

On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 12:55 PM, Dan Roganti <ragooman at gmail.com> wrote:

> ​Back in the 1970s,
> robot projects were already getting popular
> And microcomputer revolution is what paved the wave.
> I build several of these popular projects while in school in the 70s
> But only kept the books,
> alas, those robots met their timely demise in the scrap bin[parts donated
> to another project]
> Beginning with a robot using a discrete TTL computer brain from a popular
> author,
> David Heiserman, Build your own Work Robot [1978]
> http://www.amazon.com/How-build-computer-controlled-robot-Loofbourrow/dp/0810456818
> And then there was this robot project with a built-in KIM-1
> How to build a computer controlled robot by Tod Loofbourrow[1978]
> http://www.amazon.com/How-build-computer-controlled-robot-Loofbourrow/dp/0810456818
>> And this continued on in the 80s while taking some robotics courses
> Along some of the popular robot kits, we even made our own robot projects.
> Simply because it was cheaper buying your own parts
> I made one using the traditional R2D2'esc chassis, with an internal 22/44
> pin card cage for the various interfaces​.
> And one included a brain using only a Timex Sinclair 1000,
> and another included a brain using only a RS MC-10
> Because the were much smaller than a KIM-1
> Dan
​oh hey,
Heiserman wrote several many books back then,
it just came to me, there's another robot project book.
This one ran on the 8085, How to Build Your Own Self-programming Robot
Glad you bought the other books, good references in there.
I didn't see my goof ​on the other links, sorry about that, good thing I
typed in the title.
Throughout the 80s, there were even more robot project books I relied on,
if I can try to recall them, I'll send them

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