[vcf-midatlantic] Stuff for Festivus

Matt Patoray mspproductions at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 22:37:22 EST 2016

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 1, 2016, at 7:44 PM, Tony Bogan via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:
> On Dec 1, 2016, at 6:44 PM, Evan Koblentz via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:
>>>>> We don't need stereo and speakers this year. Just games, eating,
>>>> drinking > and talking.
>>>> Music would be nice. Maybe someone can bring a decent radio rather than
>>>> Ian schlepping his receiver and speakers.
>>> There's nothing decent on any radio anyway.
>> < Evan rolls eyes >
>> Most people will be content with the mainstream hits/rock station in the background.
> I'd bring my iPod dock and iPod but somehow I doubt my heavy metal/thrash playlists would mesh well! ;-)
> Tony

Here's the original to get stuck in your head,


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