[vcf-midatlantic] Museum network

VAXman at tmesis.org VAXman at tmesis.org
Fri Dec 2 14:00:31 EST 2016

Jim Scheef via vcf-midatlantic writes: 

>IMHO the museum network *must* have a segment of 10BASE5 long enough to
>connect any VAX or PDP capable of running a stack. I think it should be
>hyng from the ceiling (or rafters) for all the world to see with the
>vampire taps and all. Such a segment could run DECnet or TCP/IP or both.
>Dave, you have to agree on this, eh? Jim 

I'll second that!  Etherhose for all!

Too bad those buildings were stripped clean.  I ran the 10base5 through them
back in the day.

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