[vcf-midatlantic] Stuff for Festivus

Neil Cherry ncherry at linuxha.com
Sat Dec 3 10:38:52 EST 2016

On 12/03/2016 06:57 AM, Tony Bogan via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
>> I will gladly pay the $.99 for a Pandora One-Day Subscription.  :-D
>> Additionally, I'll bring a nice Bluetooth Speaker.
>> -Todd
> Except no one will want to listen to the music you and I want to hear on it!! :-)
> Tony

That's because no one wants to listen to Amish Death Metal Polkas ;-)

Linux Home Automation         Neil Cherry       ncherry at linuxha.com
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http://linuxha.blogspot.com/                    My HA Blog
Author of:    	Linux Smart Homes For Dummies

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