[vcf-midatlantic] update re: bouncing messages and also Verizon accounts on our list

Evan Koblentz evan at snarc.net
Mon Dec 12 01:31:21 EST 2016


Got this email from our list provider just now.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Dear List Owners,

Some of you will be aware that for the last week Verizon has been 
blocking email coming from our server in New York. As a result, 
customers of Verizon in the US who are subscribed to lists hosted on 
that server are not receiving list-emails. We are still working on 
getting this block lifted.

As part of our routine maintenance updates on the weekend, stricter 
bounce rules were applied to all our servers around the world. Many 
lists have old and outdated email addresses that no longer work, or that 
mail cannot be delivered to. Any subscriber address on a list that now 
bounces more that twice in a month is automatically removed.

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