[vcf-midatlantic] Museum report

Jeffrey Brace ark72axow at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 23:02:27 EST 2016

Thanks for giving tours today! It's nice when someone can be there on
Wednesday. One never knows when someone interesting will show up! It's just
very difficult for those of us who have day jobs!

On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 9:13 PM, Evan Koblentz via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:

> I went to the museum today at 12:30 to give a tour to an out-of-town
> visitor who arranged it a while back. He's an EE who brought his son (home
> from college on winter break) who is studying to also be an EE. They spent
> a couple of hours with us. They brought us an EPROM burner for the
> workbench.
> I went to lunch at 3pm, came back, and the radio club guys flagged me
> down. They had a group of three visitors from California who wanted to see
> us. That group of people was also very knowledgeable and said they may have
> some S-100 donations for us.
> So, five visitors today, all extremely knowledgeable, EPROM burner for the
> museum, more possible donations later, and one good lunch. Glad to be there
> today.
> Oh and I had an InfoAge marketing committee meeting at 5pm which was
> fairly boring. :)  I did learn that the sidewalk to our museum building is
> being converted to an ADA-compliant ramp (the law, not the language!) next
> spring. The IA board chairman promised me construction won't conflict with
> VCF East. I will stay on top of that just in case.

Jeff Brace - ark72axow at gmail.com

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