[vcf-midatlantic] Should the new museum have a name?

Evan Koblentz evan at snarc.net
Thu Feb 18 20:24:07 EST 2016

I was thinking... should our new museum have a formal name, as in, "The 
XYZ Place, sponsored by the Vintage Computer Federation"...?

Or if anyone asks, do we just call it VCF Headquarters?

If we do think it should have some name, then what should that name be?

I like how Paul Allen's group calls their place a "living" museum. Of 
course, that word is taken, so we'd need some other word.

Maybe "museum" also isn't the right word. Our home at InfoAge is more of 
a hub and community center for vintage computing in the region. Perhaps, 
if we give it a name, we should think of a word that reflects this.

It would be awesome if the perfect word also started with F to continue 
our theme of the Vintage Computer Federation owning the Vintage Computer 
Festival (East/West), Vintage Computer Forum, and Vintage Computer... 
Funhouse? Fraternity? No, those don't work.

Let's hear some suggestions (real ones please; let's not clog the thread 
with the smart-assery.)

I'm thinking that unless we come up with something GREAT, then we should 
just stick with Vintage Computer Federation as the name for the physical 

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