[vcf-midatlantic] Cool! InfoAge lounge restoration

Evan Koblentz evan at snarc.net
Sun Feb 21 15:46:46 EST 2016

On 02/21/2016 03:44 PM, Jonathan Gevaryahu via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
> On 2/21/2016 3:18 PM, Evan Koblentz via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
>>> I have to wonder if the original oak, likely from an old growth
>>> forest, might not be able to be sanded and resurfaced.  You can
>>> hardly find century-old wood these days, and when you do, it’s often
>>> pretty good wood.  How nice it might be to keep the original wood
>>> upon which Marconi and associates once trod.
>> I don't have any other information, but I'm sure IA made the decision
>> for good reasons. We will find out those reasons and report back.
> I hope they didn't decide to sell the oak for extra cash, its worth
> keeping it for the sentimental value.
> Unless it is completely rotted through, in which case the not-rotten
> parts can be salvaged....

I don't think it is fair to negatively speculate about that.

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