[vcf-midatlantic] OT: Dell Dimension XPS 466V

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Wed Jan 20 13:42:42 EST 2016

On 01/20/2016 10:08 AM, Neil Cherry via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
> Ah, yes, I do recall that. I was fortunate not to have owned a PC
> until Linux was nearing 0.91. I had Windows for about a week (I used it
> at work alot). I then loaded Linux on the machine. I still have the
> machine in front of me (AT&T 6386SX/EL WGS). My previous machine was
> a 3B1.
> While I didn't own a PC, I built tons of them for other folks. I guess
> I was a Unix snob. Once Linux arrived I was still trying to figure out
> why folks wanted to use Windows. ;-)

  Geeks of a feather!  Same here.  In fact I STILL can't figure it out.
 At least it looks to finally be on the wane.

  I've always followed (and helped to lead, whenever possible) whatever
direction got me a fast, graphical UNIX desktop system...whatever that
happened to be in any given era.

  I had a 3B1 on my desk for a long time, then moved to a MicroVAX-II
running Ultrix (well, next to my desk, not on it ;)).  Then a Sun, then
(linearly) several more Suns, then a few SGIs, then suddenly Macs became
(to my view) the best way to get a high-speed graphical UNIX desktop
system, around the OS X 10.2 days, on a G4.  That surprised me,
actually.  I ran that up until the point where Apple started trying to
tell me what I did and did not need, and I moved to Linux on x86.  That
was maybe ~4 years ago.  That move surprised me too, as I never really
took Linux seriously. (I was always a commercial UNIX guy)

  Happily that coincided with the time the x86 chips (Core i7,
specifically) started to become nearly as fast as a decade-old SPARC
processor, so I was able to get work done on it.

  No Windows, anywhere.  I also don't hit myself on the head with a
hammer.  Same logic.


Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA

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