[vcf-midatlantic] Jan 30/31 Workshop location update & what's everyone working on?

Steven Toth stoth at kernellabs.com
Thu Jan 28 08:29:21 EST 2016

>> Me: Commodore 64 and Commodore 1541 repair. Various broken 1541, at least 2
>> working 1541, soldering iron, 1541 speed controller, and if I can find a
>> disk cleaner kit.
>> You: ?
> I will bring 1541 focus things.  I have some good useful gear for this
> topic.
> b

Bringing various tools, soldering iron / meters / part supplies /
scope / resocketing tools etc.

I've never dived into 1541's, or done any alignment, will want to get
involved in some of that.

So, I'll bring a mix of working vs non-working stuff.

- Steve

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