January 2016 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Jan 1 00:09:11 EST 2016
Ending: Sun Jan 31 23:53:54 EST 2016
Messages: 571
- [vcf-midatlantic] Workshop Jan. 30/31 Report
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] Workshop Jan. 30/31 Report
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum move
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Workshop this weekend - Thoughts?
Jonathan Gevaryahu
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Come watch me install Linux on the IBM z890 Mainframe!
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] Workshop this weekend - Thoughts?
Rob Clarke
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Come watch me install Linux on the IBM z890 Mainframe!
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Come watch me install Linux on the IBM z890 Mainframe!
Connor Krukosky
- [vcf-midatlantic] Workshop this weekend - Thoughts?
Jonathan Gevaryahu
- [vcf-midatlantic] Workshop this weekend - Thoughts?
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Tomorrow's Workshop
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wives and retro-computers ( was Re: DC Area Head Count )
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Tomorrow's Workshop
Jonathan Gevaryahu
- [vcf-midatlantic] Workshop this weekend - Thoughts?
Jonathan Gevaryahu
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: RE: Wives and retro-computers ( was Re: DC Area Head Count )
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wives and retro-computers ( was Re: DC Area Head Count )
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: RE: Wives and retro-computers ( was Re: DC Area Head Count )
Dave G4UGM
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wives and retro-computers ( was Re: DC Area Head Count )
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wives and retro-computers ( was Re: DC Area Head Count )
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Workshop this weekend - Thoughts?
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Tomorrow's Workshop
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wives and retro-computers ( was Re: DC Area Head Count )
Derrik Walker v2.0
- [vcf-midatlantic] DC Area Head Count
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] DC Area Head Count
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] DC Area Head Count
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] DC Area Head Count
Derrik Walker v2.0
- [vcf-midatlantic] DC Area Head Count
Derrik Walker v2.0
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wanted: Xerox 820-II hard drive
Mike Loewen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Workshop this weekend - Thoughts?
Jonathan Gevaryahu
- [vcf-midatlantic] Tomorrow's Workshop
Jonathan Gevaryahu
- [vcf-midatlantic] DC Area Head Count
J. Alexander Jacocks
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Free Sun Workstations available at JHU in Baltimore
Connor Krukosky
- [vcf-midatlantic] DC Area Head Count
Bob Flanders
- [vcf-midatlantic] DC Area Head Count
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] DC Area Head Count
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] DC Area Head Count
- [vcf-midatlantic] DC Area Head Count
Derrik Walker v2.0
- [vcf-midatlantic] DC Area Head Count
- [vcf-midatlantic] DC Area Head Count
Glenn Roberts
- [vcf-midatlantic] Tomorrow's Workshop
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Tomorrow's Workshop
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] DC Area Head Count
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] DC Area Head Count
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Tomorrow's Workshop
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Tomorrow's Workshop
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] DC Area Head Count
Paul Birkel
- [vcf-midatlantic] DC Area Head Count
J. Alexander Jacocks
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XI exhibit reg is OPEN
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XI exhibit reg is OPEN
Evan Koblentz
- DC Area Head Count
Alexander Pierson
- [vcf-midatlantic] WTD: Hi-res display for 486 Gaming PC
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Tomorrow's Workshop
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Tomorrow's Workshop
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Commodore 1541 related stuff I am bringing
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Tomorrow's Workshop
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] WTD: Hi-res display for 486 Gaming PC
J. Alexander Jacocks
- [vcf-midatlantic] WTD: Hi-res display for 486 Gaming PC
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] Jan 30/31 Workshop location update & what's everyone working on?
Mike Loewen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Workshop this weekend - Thoughts?
- [vcf-midatlantic] Jan 30/31 Workshop location update & what's everyone working on?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Jan 30/31 Workshop location update & what's everyone working on?
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Jan 30/31 Workshop location update & what's everyone working on?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Jan 30/31 Workshop location update & what's everyone working on?
Glenn Roberts
- [vcf-midatlantic] Workshop this weekend - Thoughts?
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Workshop this weekend - Thoughts?
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Jan 30/31 Workshop location update & what's everyone working on?
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Jan 30/31 Workshop location update & what's everyone working on?
Glenn Roberts
- [vcf-midatlantic] Jan 30/31 Workshop location update & what's everyone working on?
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] Mystery ROM from MITS 88-PMC ROM Board
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Mystery ROM from MITS 88-PMC ROM Board
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] Workshop this weekend - Thoughts?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Workshop this weekend - Thoughts?
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] commodore posters $10
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Jan 30/31 Workshop location update & what's everyone working on?
Jeff Galinat
- [vcf-midatlantic] Net Racer - 8 Player Commodore 64 Internet Racing Game
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Update for who's coming to Jan 30&31 Workshop
J. Alexander Jacocks
- [vcf-midatlantic] 1541 maintenance article
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Sleeping over @ workshop
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] 1541 maintenance article
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Net Racer - 8 Player Commodore 64 Internet Racing Game
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT - Need 60' of ribbon cable
David Gesswein
- [vcf-midatlantic] Jan 30/31 Workshop location update & what's everyone working on?
David Gesswein
- [vcf-midatlantic] nice score, HP terminal
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] nice score, HP terminal
Mike Loewen
- [vcf-midatlantic] nice score, HP terminal
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] WTD: Hi-res display for 486 Gaming PC
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] WTD: Hi-res display for 486 Gaming PC
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] WTD: Hi-res display for 486 Gaming PC
Matt Patoray
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Anyone familiar with HeathKit Model HM1-122-A Series No. 53338?
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] WTD: Hi-res display for 486 Gaming PC
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] WTD: Hi-res display for 486 Gaming PC
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] WTD: Hi-res display for 486 Gaming PC
Devin Heitmueller
- [vcf-midatlantic] WTD: Hi-res display for 486 Gaming PC
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Evan @ workshop
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum move - getting closer...
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Evan @ workshop
Steven Toth
- [vcf-midatlantic] Evan @ workshop
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] 1541 maintenance article
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Anyone familiar with HeathKit Model HM1-122-A Series No. 53338?
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] 1541 maintenance article
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] 1541 maintenance article
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] FS: OSI 525 Dual Port Static RAM Board
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Anyone have LexisNexis access?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] 1541 maintenance article
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Anyone have LexisNexis access?
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] 1541 maintenance article
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Anyone have LexisNexis access?
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Jan 30/31 Workshop location update & what's everyone working on?
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] 1541 maintenance article
Steven Toth
- [vcf-midatlantic] Jan 30/31 Workshop location update & what's everyone working on?
Steven Toth
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Anyone have LexisNexis access?
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Anyone have LexisNexis access?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Anyone have LexisNexis access?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Anyone have LexisNexis access?
Mike Loewen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Trenton - Sat., 3/19
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Trenton - Sat., 3/19
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Anyone have LexisNexis access?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] 1541 maintenance article
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Trenton - Sat., 3/19
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] 1541 maintenance article
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] 1541 maintenance article
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Jan 30/31 Workshop location update & what's everyone working on?
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Jan 30/31 Workshop location update & what's everyone working on?
Steven Toth
- [vcf-midatlantic] Jan 30/31 Workshop location update & what's everyone working on?
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Jan 30/31 Workshop location update & what's everyone working on?
Steven Toth
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum move - getting closer...
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Test
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Test
tom.hornberger at verizon.net
- [vcf-midatlantic] Jan 30/31 Workshop location update & what's everyone working on?
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum move - getting closer...
William Dudley
- [vcf-midatlantic] Jan 30/31 Workshop location update & what's everyone working on?
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum move - getting closer...
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] FS: MITS 88-PMC 1702A EPROM Board
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum move - getting closer...
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum move - getting closer...
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Interesting OP-AMP Boards
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum move - getting closer...
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum move - getting closer...
William Dudley
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum move - getting closer...
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum move - getting closer...
William Dudley
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum move - getting closer...
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Mystery ROM from MITS 88-PMC ROM Board
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum move - getting closer...
William F. Dudley Jr.
- [vcf-midatlantic] test ... this might our DNS change to the new hoster...
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] test ... this might our DNS change to the new hoster...
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] test ... this might our DNS change to the new hoster...
chrisjpf33 at gmail.com
- [vcf-midatlantic] DNS changes
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] test ... this might our DNS change to the new hoster...
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum move - getting closer...
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
David Gesswein
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT - Need 60' of ribbon cable
Kelly Leavitt
- [vcf-midatlantic] Update for who's coming to Jan 30&31 Workshop
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Important Workshop Jan 30/31 Notes
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Update for who's coming to Jan 30&31 Workshop
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Important Workshop Jan 30/31 Notes
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Important Workshop Jan 30/31 Notes
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] FS: MITS 88-VI (RTC) Vector Interrupt and Real Time Clock
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Marvin Minsky
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Girl Scout cookies... vintage computer related!
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] New January Workshop Date Jan 30/31
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] "Snow storm" messages
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] "Snow storm" messages
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] "Snow storm" messages
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] New January Workshop Date Jan 30/31
Steven Toth
- [vcf-midatlantic] Apple had a computer for everything...
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] My VCF East class: historical research methods
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Girl Scout cookies... vintage computer related!
Kelly Leavitt
- [vcf-midatlantic] "Snow storm" messages
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Girl Scout cookies... vintage computer related!
VAXman at tmesis.org
- [vcf-midatlantic] Girl Scout cookies... vintage computer related!
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] "Snow storm" messages
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] "Snow storm" messages
Joseph S. Barrera III
- [vcf-midatlantic] "Snow storm" messages
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Mike Loewen
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Girl Scout cookies... vintage computer related!
Bob Applegate
- [vcf-midatlantic] Floppy Days #51 - Part 3 on the TI-994/A Tech Specs and Modern Upgrades with Tursi
Randall Kindig
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Kyle Owen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Apple had a computer for everything...
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
VAXman at tmesis.org
- [vcf-midatlantic] My VCF East class: historical research methods
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East classes: possibly 24!
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Kyle Owen
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Bob Flanders
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Jonathan Gevaryahu
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Martin A Flynn
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Martin A Flynn
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Martin A Flynn
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
J. Alexander Jacocks
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
VAXman at tmesis.org
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Richard Cini
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: snow storm
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT - Parts request
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT - Parts request
Martin A Flynn
- [vcf-midatlantic] New January Workshop Date Jan 30/31
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] New January Workshop Date Jan 30/31
David Gesswein
- [vcf-midatlantic] New January Workshop Date Jan 30/31
Todd George
- [vcf-midatlantic] New January Workshop Date Jan 30/31
Rob Clarke
- [vcf-midatlantic] New January Workshop Date Jan 30/31
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] New January Workshop Date Jan 30/31
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Soldering Station, Your Opinion Please
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] IBM FSU Static RAM Board...for S-100?!
Connor Krukosky
- [vcf-midatlantic] New January Workshop Date Jan 30/31
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] New January Workshop Date Jan 30/31
Jeff Galinat
- [vcf-midatlantic] New January Workshop Date Jan 30/31
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Soldering Station, Your Opinion Please
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] IBM FSU Static RAM Board...for S-100?!
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] IBM FSU Static RAM Board...for S-100?!
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Soldering Station, Your Opinion Please
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Soldering Station, Your Opinion Please
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] JAN 23/24 WORKSHOP CANCELLED!
Steven Toth
- [vcf-midatlantic] JAN 23/24 WORKSHOP CANCELLED!
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] IBM FSU Static RAM Board...for S-100?!
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] IBM FSU Static RAM Board...for S-100?!
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] JAN 23/24 WORKSHOP CANCELLED!
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Dell Dimension XPS 466V
David Gesswein
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Dell Dimension XPS 466V
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Dell Dimension XPS 466V
tom.hornberger at verizon.net
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Dell Dimension XPS 466V
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Dell Dimension XPS 466V
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] Vintage Computing Items For Sale or Trade - can bring to workshop
Jeff Galinat
- [vcf-midatlantic] Vintage Computing Items For Sale or Trade - can bring to workshop
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Vintage Computing Items For Sale or Trade - can bring to workshop
Bob Aviles
- [vcf-midatlantic] Vintage Computing Items For Sale or Trade - can bring to workshop
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Dell Dimension XPS 466V
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Dell Dimension XPS 466V
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Dell Dimension XPS 466V
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Dell Dimension XPS 466V
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] Semi-OT: Win 3.1 (yeah I know...)
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] Semi-OT: Win 3.1 (yeah I know...)
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Semi-OT: Win 3.1 (yeah I know...)
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Semi-OT: Win 3.1 (yeah I know...)
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Dell Dimension XPS 466V
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Dell Dimension XPS 466V
David Hoelzer
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Dell Dimension XPS 466V
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Dell Dimension XPS 466V
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Dell Dimension XPS 466V
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] Vintage Computing Items For Sale or Trade - can bring to workshop
Jeff Galinat
- [vcf-midatlantic] Vintage Computing Items For Sale or Trade - can bring to workshop
Jeff Galinat
- [vcf-midatlantic] FS: Cromemco PRI S100 Printer Interface NIB + Manual
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Dell Dimension XPS 466V
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Dell Dimension XPS 466V
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] Snow and January 23/24 workshop
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Snow and January 23/24 workshop
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Snow and January 23/24 workshop
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Friday classes @ VCF East
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Dell Dimension XPS 466V
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Infoage outside ramp doors
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] FS: Solid State Music VB1B S100 Video Interface Tested/Working
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] CF, SD, or other modern media replacements used for vintage systems
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Infoage outside ramp doors
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] Infoage outside ramp doors
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Infoage outside ramp doors
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Canon T1i
Connor Krukosky
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Canon T1i
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Canon T1i
Connor Krukosky
- [vcf-midatlantic] Fundraiser accomplished :)
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Canon T1i
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Canon T1i
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Canon T1i
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Heating @ workshop next weekend
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] WTB: Altair Dress Panel, Any Version
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Fundraiser accomplished :)
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Nixie tubes
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] Nixie tubes
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Nixie tubes
VAXman at tmesis.org
- [vcf-midatlantic] Nixie tubes
Matt Patoray
- [vcf-midatlantic] Nixie tubes
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] I'm so ready to troubleshoot my vintage computers
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] FS: S100 Tarbell Tape Controller Unassembled Kit
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Test, ignore...
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] museum wish list
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] museum wish list
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Apple M0130 400k Mac Floppy Drive
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Ways the Federation COULD make money
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Ways the Federation COULD make money
VAXman at tmesis.org
- [vcf-midatlantic] Ways the Federation COULD make money
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Fundraiser accomplished :)
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Ways the Federation COULD make money
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] Fundraiser accomplished :)
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Ways the Federation COULD make money
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Ways the Federation COULD make money
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Ways the Federation COULD make money
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Apple M0130 400k Mac Floppy Drive
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Class ideas for East XI/11
Mike Willegal
- [vcf-midatlantic] Ways the Federation COULD make money
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Ways the Federation COULD make money
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Class ideas for East XI/11
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Fundraiser accomplished :)
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Ways the Federation COULD make money
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Just $20 away!
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] WTB: Altair 8800B flat bat toggle switches
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Fundraiser update
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Fundraiser update
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Fundraiser update
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Class ideas for East XI/11
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] museum wish list
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] wide printer to donate if it works/fixed at workshop
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] wide printer to donate if it works/fixed at workshop
Glenn Roberts
- [vcf-midatlantic] Class ideas for East XI/11
Mike Willegal
- [vcf-midatlantic] wide printer
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Class ideas for East XI/11
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] wide printer to donate if it works/fixed at workshop
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] wide printer to donate if it works/fixed at workshop
- [vcf-midatlantic] FS: Vector S100 Extender New in Bag
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Class ideas for East XI/11
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] wide printer to donate if it works/fixed at workshop
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] wide printer to donate if it works/fixed at workshop
Glenn Roberts
- [vcf-midatlantic] Class ideas for East XI/11
Steven Toth
- [vcf-midatlantic] Class ideas for East XI/11
Alexander Pierson
- [vcf-midatlantic] Class ideas for East XI/11
Mike Willegal
- [vcf-midatlantic] wide printer to donate if it works/fixed at workshop
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Class ideas for East XI/11
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Class ideas for East XI/11
Peter Cetinski
- [vcf-midatlantic] Class ideas for East XI/11
eric F
- [vcf-midatlantic] wide printer to donate if it works/fixed at workshop
Jeffrey Jonas
- [vcf-midatlantic] Class ideas for East XI/11
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Class ideas for East XI/11
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Updated January Workshop who's coming?
David Gesswein
- [vcf-midatlantic] Updated January Workshop who's coming?
Ian Primus
- [vcf-midatlantic] Updated January Workshop who's coming?
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Virtualbox problems
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Virtualbox problems
Devin Heitmueller
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Virtualbox problems
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Functional vs full restoration, Was Updated January Workshop who's coming?
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Virtualbox problems
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Virtualbox problems
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Updated January Workshop who's coming?
eric F
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Virtualbox problems
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Virtualbox problems
Steven Toth
- [vcf-midatlantic] Updated January Workshop who's coming?
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Virtualbox problems
Christopher Blackmon
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Virtualbox problems
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Virtualbox problems
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Updated January Workshop who's coming?
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Important January Workshop Info
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Important January Workshop Info
Jeff Galinat
- [vcf-midatlantic] March Workshop
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] February Workshop
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] March Workshop
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] February Workshop
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] Important January Workshop Info
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] March Workshop
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] February Workshop
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] TTL components in Philly?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] TTL components in Philly?
Adam Michlin
- [vcf-midatlantic] TTL components in Philly?
Glenn Roberts
- [vcf-midatlantic] TTL components in Philly?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] TTL components in Philly?
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] TTL components in Philly?
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Fwd: TDL 8K Z80 Basic..
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop Who's Coming?
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] TTL components in Philly?
tom.hornberger at verizon.net
- [vcf-midatlantic] FS: CCS Model 2016 16K Static RAM S100 Board Tested/Working in Box
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop Who's Coming?
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] Fwd: TDL 8K Z80 Basic..
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] TTL components in Philly?
eric F
- [vcf-midatlantic] Fwd: TDL 8K Z80 Basic..
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] $1,595...
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Recording of Kurtz/BASIC keynote @ East 8?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] FS: Official MITS Altair S100 Extender
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Only $505 to go -- re: New museum furniture / special fundraiser
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Two-thirds there! re: New museum furniture / special fundraiser
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cheapest way to buy nice stools?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] February Workshop
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] February Workshop
Steven Toth
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cheapest way to buy nice stools?
Jeff Galinat
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction -- Re: List downtime / Domain transfer happening soon
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction -- Re: List downtime / Domain transfer happening soon
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] List downtime / Domain transfer happening soon
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cheapest way to buy nice stools?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cheapest way to buy nice stools?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] February Workshop
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] February Workshop
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cheapest way to buy nice stools?
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Latest update - New museum furniture / special fundraiser
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Update - New museum furniture / special fundraiser
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cheapest way to buy nice stools?
tom.hornberger at verizon.net
- [vcf-midatlantic] TTL components in Philly?
William F. Dudley Jr.
- [vcf-midatlantic] Update - New museum furniture / special fundraiser
Jeff Galinat
- [vcf-midatlantic] Update - New museum furniture / special fundraiser
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] TTL components in Philly?
mark at markesystems.com
- [vcf-midatlantic] Update - New museum furniture / special fundraiser
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Update - New museum furniture / special fundraiser
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Update - New museum furniture / special fundraiser
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Blit Express Lives!
Kenneth Seefried
- [vcf-midatlantic] New museum furniture / special fundraiser
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] New museum furniture / special fundraiser
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] TTL components in Philly?
David Ryskalczyk
- [vcf-midatlantic] TTL components in Philly?
eric F
- [vcf-midatlantic] New museum furniture / special fundraiser
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] New museum furniture / special fundraiser
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] New museum furniture / special fundraiser
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] New museum furniture / special fundraiser
Devin Heitmueller
- [vcf-midatlantic] New museum furniture / special fundraiser
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Congrats to Connor!
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Retro does Vintage
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Congrats to Connor!
Michael Lee
- [vcf-midatlantic] Congrats to Connor!
J. Alexander Jacocks
- [vcf-midatlantic] C64 games
Bob Flanders
- [vcf-midatlantic] Congrats to Connor!
Christian Liendo
- [vcf-midatlantic] PDP 8i on Ebay...going once,
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Congrats to Connor!
Dave G4UGM
- [vcf-midatlantic] PDP 8i on Ebay...going once,
Dave G4UGM
- [vcf-midatlantic] Congrats to Connor!
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Congrats to Connor!
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Congrats to Connor!
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] Congrats to Connor!
Connor Krukosky
- [vcf-midatlantic] Congrats to Connor!
Bob Flanders
- [vcf-midatlantic] Congrats to Connor!
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] Congrats to Connor!
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Congrats to Connor!
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Congrats to Connor!
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] Congrats to Connor!
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Congrats to Connor!
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Congrats to Connor!
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] PDP 8i on Ebay...going once,
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] FS: Motorola 68HC11 Evaluation Kits, Complete in Box
Bill Sudbrink
- [vcf-midatlantic] FS: Motorola 68HC11 Evaluation Kits, Complete in Box
Stephen Pereira
- [vcf-midatlantic] FS: Motorola 68HC11 Evaluation Kits, Complete in Box
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] FS: Motorola 68HC11 Evaluation Kits, Complete in Box
Bill Sudbrink
- [vcf-midatlantic] FS: Motorola 68HC11 Evaluation Kits, Complete in Box
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cheapest way to buy nice stools?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museumsigns
Bob Flanders
- [vcf-midatlantic] Retro does vintage
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cheapest way to buy nice stools?
Mike Loewen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cheapest way to buy nice stools?
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cheapest way to buy nice stools?
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cheapest way to buy nice stools?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cheapest way to buy nice stools?
Jason Howe
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cheapest way to buy nice stools?
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cheapest way to buy nice stools?
Justin Jernigan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cheapest way to buy nice stools?
Ben Greenfield
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cheapest way to buy nice stools?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cheapest way to buy nice stools?
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cheapest way to buy nice stools?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Timex/Sinclair, C=, IBM stuff in DC area
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Timex/Sinclair, C=, IBM stuff in DC area
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop Who's Coming?
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] Blit Express Lives!
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop Who's Coming?
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Blit Express Lives!
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Blit Express Lives!
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Timex/Sinclair, C=, IBM stuff in DC area
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Flashback Trenton 2005
Bill Sudbrink
- [vcf-midatlantic] Flashback Trenton 2005
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Flashback Trenton 2005
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Compuseum
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East - Kernighan video online
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Compuseum
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Compuseum
Mike Loewen
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East - Kernighan video online
VAXman at tmesis.org
- [vcf-midatlantic] Young Innovators Faire
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East - Kernighan video online
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: InfoAge needs a plumber
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Young Innovators Faire
Todd George
- [vcf-midatlantic] Young Innovators Faire
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Young Innovators Faire
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East - Kernighan video online
Alan Hightower
- [vcf-midatlantic] Young Innovators Faire
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Young Innovators Faire
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Young Innovators Faire
Todd George
- [vcf-midatlantic] DEC cabinet in Pittsb, PET in Timonium MD
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museumsigns
- [vcf-midatlantic] Older teste equipment available for sale
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Older teste equipment available for sale
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
Mike Loewen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
chrisjpf33 at gmail.com
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] Amiga 1000 case
J. Alexander Jacocks
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
J. Alexander Jacocks
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Older teste equipment available for sale
Ben Greenfield
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop - Whats the plan
Todd George
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop Who's Coming?
Todd George
- [vcf-midatlantic] Older teste equipment available for sale
William Dudley
- [vcf-midatlantic] Older teste equipment available for sale
chrisjpf33 at gmail.com
- [vcf-midatlantic] Kottke video (and Kurtz)
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Bulk 5 1/4 inch floppy disk purchase
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Older teste equipment available for sale
Kelly Leavitt
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East - Kernighan video online
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East - Kernighan video online
Christian Liendo
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East - Kernighan video online
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East - Kernighan video online
VAXman at tmesis.org
- [vcf-midatlantic] Amiga 1000 case
Anthony Becker
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East - Kernighan video online
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Does anyone have a Jaguar controller?
Anthony Becker
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop - Whats the plan?
Bob Aviles
- [vcf-midatlantic] FS: S100 Tarbell Tape Controller Unassembled Kit
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop - Whats the plan?
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop - Whats the plan?
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] FS: S100 Tarbell Tape Controller Unassembled Kit
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop - Whats the plan?
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop Who's Coming?
Jonathan Gevaryahu
- [vcf-midatlantic] FS: Vintage Meters!
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop Who's Coming?
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop Who's Coming?
David Gesswein
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop - Whats the plan?
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Great Digital Research reading
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop - Whats the plan?
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cool data recovery project
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop - Whats the plan?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cool data recovery project
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] More TI 99 4/a 's on Ebay
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop - Whats the plan?
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cool data recovery project
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop Who's Coming?
Jeff Galinat
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop Who's Coming?
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cool data recovery project
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cool data recovery project
Devin Heitmueller
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cool data recovery project
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
J. Alexander Jacocks
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
frida fried
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop Who's Coming?
Steven Toth
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop Who's Coming?
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop Who's Coming?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] January Workshop Who's Coming?
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
Ben Greenfield
- [vcf-midatlantic] Correction: Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
tom.hornberger at verizon.net
- [vcf-midatlantic] Semi-OT: printer for new museum signs
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Young Innovators Faire
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Young Innovators Faire
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Is it wrong to get excited??
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Is it wrong to get excited??
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] Is it wrong to get excited??
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Young Innovators Faire
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Is it wrong to get excited??
Adam Michlin
- [vcf-midatlantic] Young Innovators Faire
chrisjpf33 at gmail.com
- [vcf-midatlantic] Is it wrong to get excited??
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Young Innovators Faire
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Is it wrong to get excited??
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Bulk 5 1/4 inch floppy disk purchase
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Bulk 5 1/4 inch floppy disk purchase
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] vintagecomputer.net updates
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Buying Apple IIe Games
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Buying Apple IIe Games
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Workshops for 2016
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Workshops for 2016
Jeff Galinat
- [vcf-midatlantic] Buying Apple IIe Games
Adam Michlin
- [vcf-midatlantic] Buying Apple IIe Games
Bill Loguidice
- [vcf-midatlantic] Buying Apple IIe Games
James Garland
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East 5.0 videos
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Happy New Years!!!
Joseph Oprysko
Last message date:
Sun Jan 31 23:53:54 EST 2016
Archived on: Sat Jun 16 02:25:16 EDT 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).