[vcf-midatlantic] Hero Robot

Joseph Oprysko joprysko1 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 16:43:11 EDT 2016

Well, since this is back on topic apparently.  While I haven't received the
robot yet.  I know the control panel is missing, so I'm going to need to
try to track one down or make one.  I did see one on e-bay recently, but
I'm not going to pay $200 for the keypad to control the robot.  So I will
have to come up with another to interface to it.

If I can get schematics/control signal info for it, I should be able to
build some type of interface for it.

It looks like most of the other interface boards are in place, but I won't
know for sure until I receive it.  If the main logic board is missing, I
guess I would technically just have a shell of a robot.  But then I guess I
could use raspberry pi/arduino/etc to rebuild it.

Unless someone has stock parts around of course.  Although I do have a
number of breadboards (both solderless and just the holy prototype ones.)
 I'll have to pull out the various boxes of stuff I have.  I have one or
two at home, and another one or two boxes of random components in storage.
 (A lot from when Radio Shack stores were closing)

Many years ago I had a Hero JR that I actually found in the trash.  There
was no problems with it at the time.  But after my little sister ended up
re-painting it, and the batteries dying/not being able to take a charge, it
ended up back in the trash. l.  But being a tech-curious teen, I ended up
ripping it apart into pieces, prying chips and resistors off the boards, it
ended up being totaled. Thinking about it now, there was still lots of
parts that would have been useful, the platform itself, the motors and
stepper motors, etc.  But since it's gone over 20 years, no need for
regrets now.

On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 4:12 PM, Evan Koblentz via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:

> I believe that my schedule is setting up to be able to attend Saturday of
>> the next workshop,
> < Mr. Burns voice and wiggly fingers > .... "Exxxx-cell-ent".

Normal Person: Hey, it seems that you know a lot.
Geek: To be honest, it's due to all the surfing I do.
Normal Person: So you go surfing?
Normal Person: But I don't think that has anything to do with knowing a
Geek: I think that's wrong on a fundamental level.
Normal Person: Huh? Huh? What?

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