[vcf-midatlantic] OT (maybe WAY OFF topic)

Mike Loewen mloewen at cpumagic.scol.pa.us
Fri Jul 15 21:07:55 EDT 2016

    I must STRONGLY protest the continuation of this discussion on the 
list.  It simply does not belong here.

On Fri, 15 Jul 2016, Jeffrey Brace via vcf-midatlantic wrote:

> I was resisting to play this game, but I was curious. This is one of those
> fads that makes me curious and I wanted to see what it actually was and
> looked like. It will be one of those things we look back on 10 years from
> now and say "wow that was crazy, but fun". Just like the ice bucket
> challenge. Whatever happened to that?
> I don't play it a lot, but since I have an advantage of being an Uber/Lyft
> driver, I drive all around New Jersey and get lots of Pokémon. I'm not on a
> team. I signed up through my google account because the trainer signup was
> overloaded.
> Are you on a team? Which team?
> On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 12:30 AM, Joseph Oprysko via vcf-midatlantic <
> vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:
>> Has anyone here played the Pokémon Go game?  If so, what team are you on?
>> --
>> Normal Person: Hey, it seems that you know a lot.
>> Geek: To be honest, it's due to all the surfing I do.
>> Normal Person: So you go surfing?
>> Normal Person: But I don't think that has anything to do with knowing a
>> lot...
>> Geek: I think that's wrong on a fundamental level.
>> Normal Person: Huh? Huh? What?

Mike Loewen				mloewen at cpumagic.scol.pa.us
Old Technology				http://q7.neurotica.com/Oldtech/

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