[vcf-midatlantic] FS: GR Electronics Type 8 Pocket Terminal (RS-232 serial terminal)

Systems Glitch systems.glitch at gmail.com
Sun Jun 26 17:33:57 EDT 2016

link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/272287424144

I've had this little pocket terminal for a while, used to use it as a debug display when doing low-level debug on vintage systems. It's got a TI Graphing Calculator style keyboard and 8 character bubble magnified 16 segment display. Switch settable to work at 110 or 300 bps. +5V is supplied over the RS-232 cable (pin 9 +5V, pin 10 GND) and the terminal uses around 190 mA. The keypad seems a little stiff/insensitive, not sure if that's just how this particular keypad is, or if it could use a disassembly/cleaning.


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