[vcf-midatlantic] [OT] In the Bay Area...On the Wrong Day

VAXman at tmesis.org VAXman at tmesis.org
Mon Jun 27 13:57:05 EDT 2016

"J. Alexander Jacocks via vcf-midatlantic" writes: 

>I am in the SF Bay Area, until Thursday, for a conference, so I figured
>that I should check out the Computer History Museum, which I have never
>seen, to my shame.  But then I found out that it is closed on Mondays
>and Tuesdays, which pretty much makes it impossible for me, as I have
>customer meetings all day Wednesday and Thursday. 
>Does anyone else have suggestions of things worth doing, other than the
>standard Weird Stuff/Halted visits? 

Put some flowers in your hair and stand around the neighborhood of Haight-

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