[vcf-midatlantic] (Delayed) pictures from yesterday

Douglas Crawford touchetek at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 11:37:22 EDT 2016

On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 1:25 PM, Evan Koblentz via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:

> >> Looks difficult to have monitors up there.
> > Angled shelves with a lip work well for this situation
> That's why the only top systems with monitors are the ones with built-in
> monitors (Heathkit H89) and the ones with stands held down by the computer
> (PC Jr.) .... the '89 * looks * like it could fall forward, but it won't
> because all the weight is down low. This also means we could put a
> late-model Tandy atop some shelf if desired.

Top systems have built in monitors?
What about the TI99 , Apple III and the Sony CPM systems- just temporarily
up top?

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