[vcf-midatlantic] VCF East - two more Friday classes/teachers needed

Evan Koblentz evan at snarc.net
Fri Mar 18 01:15:33 EDT 2016

These are the Friday classes so far:

- Apple 1 replicas (Corey Cohen)
- Advanced troubleshooting (Bil Herd)
- Teletypes (Bill Degnan)
- Paper tape (Corey Cohen)
- PET (Rob Clarke)
- Amiga (Anthony Becker)
- "What's vintage" panel (yeah, we're going there!) - me & ...?
- Future of the hobby (me)
- ENIAC @ 70 (me, Brian Stuart)
- VCF Shenanigans (me)

We need two more (tech) classes + reliable volunteers to teach them. 
Classes are 60 minutes each.

Looking for ideas that are compelling and/or haven't been done before.

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