[vcf-midatlantic] How was TCF2016 besides the booth?

Jeff Galinat jgalinat at optonline.net
Mon Mar 21 10:29:35 EDT 2016

On 3/21/2016 9:57 AM, Dan Roganti via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
> When did they stop the outdoor flea market​
Hi Dan,
   They stopped the outdoor flea market about 5 or 6 years ago went the 
date was moved into March.  The event is no longer run by the user 
groups and is now run by the EE dept. at TCNJ.  The event was moved into 
March to coincide with the school's Spring Break schedule as the 
facilities are much cheaper to rent.  Some folks have said, "why don't 
thaey still have the outside flea market anyway"? Well I can tell you 
that it has snowed on the fest weekend at least 3 times in the last 5 
years and one year we got quite a bit of snow on the day of the fest.  I 
have been selling at TCF for 37 years starting at the 3rd fest (missed 2 
in the 90's) and it hurts me to see the state of the flea market now.  
However, business was brisk as I sell items of interest to the attendees.

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