[vcf-midatlantic] Posts not showing

Jonathan Gevaryahu jgevaryahu at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 07:57:35 EDT 2016

On 3/22/2016 7:54 AM, Evan Koblentz via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
>>> I think that's by design
> No. There is an option you select during subscription to not see your own replies. However, Chris F. and Jeff B. do not have that flag set in their subscriptions, so I have no explanation for why they can't see their own posts.
It is a Gmail thing; if it detects a mailing list post (i.e. a 
redirected post from a list address which someone has just sent), it 
will delete it(?) rather than sending it to your mailbox ever. Or so I 

Jonathan Gevaryahu
jgevaryahu at gmail.com
jgevaryahu at hotmail.com

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