[vcf-midatlantic] Best place to buy rack screws

Duane DBC1964 at cox.net
Wed Mar 23 09:31:03 EDT 2016


Try calling here. They sell fasteners in industrial quantities.



-----Original Message----- 
From: Matt Patoray via vcf-midatlantic
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2016 9:03 AM
To: vcf-midatlantic
Cc: Matt Patoray
Subject: [vcf-midatlantic] Best place to buy rack screws

I am looking for a good place to buy rack screws, I was hoping to find a
place i can just stop in and pick up a pack of 100, tried Guitar Center and
they told me they have to order them, unless i wanted some "specialty" ones
they had in stock that where $9 for 10 screws, yeah I dont think so.

I am reassembling an Ampex VR-1200 Quadruplex VTR and it has a lot of rack
mount modules.

Vintage Computer tie in, lots of Mini and S-100 bus computers are able to
be rack mounted, and the VTR was able to used in a PDP-11 comtrolled
editing system.

Matt Patoray
Owner, MSP Productions
KD8AMG Amateur Radio Call Sign 

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