[vcf-midatlantic] Video - Connor's SHARE speech

Connor Krukosky connork at connorsdomain.com
Mon Mar 28 21:33:35 EDT 2016

Thanks Evan!
I actually applied for an internship with IBM just the other day so I 
may be up in the Poughkeepsie area for the summer!
As for equipment, we will see ;)

I know I haven't been very active around these parts in some time. Been 
super busy!
Sadly I won't be making it to VCF E but I plan to be at some workshops 
after April!

-Connor K

On 3/28/2016 5:41 PM, Evan Koblentz via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
> Video of Connor's talk from SHARE is now available.
> Connor: fantastic job!! Very informative, funny, and you'll probably get some leads about equipment and/or summer jobs.
> https://youtu.be/45X4VP8CGtk

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