[vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help

Systems Glitch systems.glitch at gmail.com
Tue May 24 15:59:33 EDT 2016

> wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 (Possible cause: architecture word width 
> mismatch) thrown while loading gnu.io.RXTXCommDriver

The adtpro.sh script has screwed up and is trying to use a 64-bit library. Who knows why. "Java: Write Once, Debug Everywhere" (not that this is technically a problem with *Java*). Open up adtpro.sh in a text editor, look for a line like

OS_ARCH=`uname -p`

And change it to:


> > * Do `ls -l | grep lock`, give us the output
> No visual output. Returned me to bash.

Probably irrelevant at this point, but I screwed up, I meant:

`ls -l /var | grep lock`

> > * Do `ls -l /dev/tty*`, give us the output
> Long one:
- snip -

I don't see a USB adapter in there, was it plugged in when you did the `ls`?


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