[vcf-midatlantic] 50 seconds in...

Evan Koblentz evan at snarc.net
Sat May 28 11:56:48 EDT 2016

> no qy to know, I brought 20 with me to the set, in Quebec.  I am going
> tonight to see the movie.

I guess the cat's out of the bag now.

The movie people contacted us a year or two ago. They wanted 3 kazillion 
IBM PCs. We told them we had some and had access to more, but not 3 
kazillion. But we didn't want to lose the opportunity, so we partnered 
with a smaller museum in Canada (near where they filmed) and also with 
Bill directly. We came up with the 3 kazillion units. Bill delivered 
them and brought them back. It was one heck of a project!

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