May 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Sun May 1 00:21:51 EDT 2016
Ending: Tue May 31 23:33:21 EDT 2016
Messages: 452
- [vcf-midatlantic] Gers greeted aittsman Nixdorf 820 Brochurez
pikmin205 .
- [vcf-midatlantic] Old Apple & other Computers - Free
Greg Acker
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII: Evan's "Trinity Challenge"
Jameel Akari
- [vcf-midatlantic] (Semi-off topic) Looking for a place in NJ that does in-place expandable foam packing.
- [vcf-midatlantic] Huge favor please :)
Bob Aviles
- [vcf-midatlantic] nerd trivia challenge
Anthony Becker
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help
Christopher Blackmon
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help
Christopher Blackmon
- [vcf-midatlantic] Windows 1.04 SDK running in Bochs
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] black Apple arrived
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII: Evan's "Trinity Challenge"
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] June workshop prize
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Homebrew 8080 machine in NJ
Tony Bogan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Video release order?
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] September Workshop will be 9/17 & 9/18
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] nerd trivia challenge
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Testing....
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Festivus 2016 - Dec. 3 & 4
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] nerd trivia challenge
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum Report
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] June 11/12 Workshop - Who's Going? Whatcha working on?
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] June 11/12 Workshop - Who's Going? Whatcha working on?
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Workshop 6/11 & 6/12 - Who's going so far
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] semi-OT: downloading vintage computer document
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] June 11/12 Workshop - Who's Going? Whatcha working on?
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wish me luck
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] Old Apple & other Computers - Free
Jeffrey Brace
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII: Evan's "Trinity Challenge"
Peter Cetinski
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Anyone got an LCD monitor for sale?
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Neil Cherry
- [vcf-midatlantic] (Semi-off topic) Looking for a place in NJ that does in-place expandable foam packing.
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wish me luck
- [vcf-midatlantic] Windows 1.04 SDK running in Bochs
Richard Cini
- [vcf-midatlantic] Windows 1.04 SDK running in Bochs
Richard Cini
- [vcf-midatlantic] Windows 1.04 SDK running in Bochs
Richard Cini
- [vcf-midatlantic] Looking for PC/AT key switch with key
Richard Cini
- [vcf-midatlantic] PC/AT power-good troubleshooting
Richard Cini
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] (Semi-off topic) Looking for a place in NJ that does in-place expandable foam packing.
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] (Semi-off topic) Looking for a place in NJ that does in-place expandable foam packing.
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] (Semi-off topic) Looking for a place in NJ that does in-place expandable foam packing.
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] (Semi-off topic) Looking for a place in NJ that does in-place expandable foam packing.
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum Report
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII: Evan's "Trinity Challenge"
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII: Evan's "Trinity Challenge"
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] First Hollywood stops using paper tape in the film editing machines...
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Apparently Authentic Apple 1 on eBay
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Apparently Authentic Apple 1 on eBay
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Old Super computers ( Was Re: Apparently Authentic Apple 1 on eBay )
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] (no subject)
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Homebrew 8080 machine in NJ
Corey Cohen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Video release order?
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] LSSM outing
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Funny moment @ VCF East last weekend
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Steve Dompier's coding...
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Steve Dompier's coding...
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] nerd trivia challenge
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Festivus 2016 - Dec. 3 & 4
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cromemco Dazzler 40th birthday presents...
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cromemco Dazzler 40th birthday presents...
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] DIDNT FILTER RIGHT OT: please match subject line and content -
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro ** fixed
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wish me luck
Douglas Crawford
- [vcf-midatlantic] Calling for [Point 4] IRIS programmers
Microtech Dart
- [vcf-midatlantic] Calling for [Point 4] IRIS programmers
Microtech Dart
- [vcf-midatlantic] June 11/12 Workshop - Who's Going? Whatcha working on?
Bill Dromgoole
- [vcf-midatlantic] ReallyPopular<tm> movie
William Dudley
- [vcf-midatlantic] Gers greeted aittsman Nixdorf 820 Brochurez
William Dudley
- [vcf-midatlantic] VT320 CRT replacement? - Rejuvination
- [vcf-midatlantic] VT320 CRT replacement? - Rejuvination
- [vcf-midatlantic] MOnSter 6502 Project - Microprocessor in Discrete Components
- [vcf-midatlantic] Apparently Authentic Apple 1 on eBay
- [vcf-midatlantic] Apparently Authentic Apple 1 on eBay
- [vcf-midatlantic] Old Super computers ( Was Re: Apparently Authentic Apple 1 on eBay )
- [vcf-midatlantic] Flashback Friday....
- [vcf-midatlantic] (no subject)
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] MOnSter 6502 Project - Microprocessor in Discrete Components
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] The Transistor......Re: Evan @ IFIP
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] Apparently Authentic Apple 1 on eBay
Chris Fala
- [vcf-midatlantic] ENIAC Video ... and some 1130s
Bob Flanders
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Martin Flynn
- [vcf-midatlantic] Homebrew 8080 machine in NJ
Jeff Galinat
- [vcf-midatlantic] TechRepublic Covers VCF East XI (2016)!!
Todd George
- [vcf-midatlantic] MOnSter 6502 Project - Microprocessor in Discrete Components
Todd George
- [vcf-midatlantic] June 11/12 Workshop - Who's Going? Whatcha working on?
Todd George
- [vcf-midatlantic] WTB: MOS6560 / VIC Chip or Parts VIC-20
Todd George
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East
David Gesswein
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cromemco Dazzler 40th birthday presents...
Jonathan Gevaryahu
- [vcf-midatlantic] Gers greeted aittsman Nixdorf 820 Brochurez
Jonathan Gevaryahu
- [vcf-midatlantic] June 11/12 Workshop - Who's Going? Whatcha working on?
Jonathan Gevaryahu
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Jonathan Gevaryahu
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Jonathan Gevaryahu
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Jonathan Gevaryahu
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Jonathan Gevaryahu
- [vcf-midatlantic] Apparently Authentic Apple 1 on eBay
Jonathan Gevaryahu
- [vcf-midatlantic] XT-IDE rev 3 Preorder
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] (Semi-off topic) Looking for a place in NJ that does in-place expandable foam packing.
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] (Semi-off topic) Looking for a place in NJ that does in-place expandable foam packing.
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Ohio Scientific 32K RAM Board Upgraded to 64K!
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] WTB: Digital Group Motherboard
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Apparently Authentic Apple 1 on eBay
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Homebrew 8080 machine in NJ
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wish me luck
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] TEI MCS-CPU 8080 CPU Board
Systems Glitch
- [vcf-midatlantic] Steve Dompier's coding...
Ben Greenfield
- German Nixdorf 820 Brochure
Ben Greenfield
- [vcf-midatlantic] German Nixdorf 820 Brochure
Ben Greenfield
- [vcf-midatlantic] German Nixdorf 820 Brochure
Ben Greenfield
- [vcf-midatlantic] German Nixdorf 820 Brochure
Ben Greenfield
- [vcf-midatlantic] German Nixdorf 820 Brochure
Ben Greenfield
- [vcf-midatlantic] black Apple arrived
Hagstrom, Paul
- [vcf-midatlantic] Lo-Tech Z-80 Test Board
Al Hartman
- [vcf-midatlantic] A more efficient BBS Xfer protocol
John Heritage
- [vcf-midatlantic] MOnSter 6502 Project - Microprocessor in Discrete Components
Alan Hightower
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
David Hoelzer
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
David Hoelzer
- [vcf-midatlantic] DECServer300 Internal PSU Wiring
David Hoelzer
- [vcf-midatlantic] (Semi-off topic) Looking for a place in NJ that does in-place expandable foam packing.
Tom Hornberger
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII - 40th Anniversary of the "Trinity"
Tom Hornberger
- [vcf-midatlantic] 50 seconds in...
Tom Hornberger
- [vcf-midatlantic] Anyone wanna go to Finland?
Tom Hornberger
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
RETRO Innovations
- [vcf-midatlantic] June 11/12 Workshop - Who's Going? Whatcha working on?
J. Alexander Jacocks
- [vcf-midatlantic] June 11/12 Workshop - Who's Going? Whatcha working on?
J. Alexander Jacocks
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help
J. Alexander Jacocks
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help
J. Alexander Jacocks
- [vcf-midatlantic] Apparently Authentic Apple 1 on eBay
J. Alexander Jacocks
- [vcf-midatlantic] Steve Dompier's coding...
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] Steve Dompier's coding...
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] (Semi-off topic) Looking for a place in NJ that does in-place expandable foam packing.
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: please match subject line and content
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] Roger Amidon, RIP....
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] German Nixdorf 820 Brochure
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Herb Johnson
- [vcf-midatlantic] Lo-Tech Z-80 Test Board
Jeffrey Jonas
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: narrow LED flood bulb
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum report
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Video release order?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Lego LOGO: My childhood dream came true today!
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Anyone live in/near Center City Philadelphia?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] black Apple arrived
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] nerd trivia challenge
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] nerd trivia challenge
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] ReallyPopular<tm> movie
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Apple 1 demo @ VCF East: video
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Apple 1 demo @ VCF East: video
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] books about robots
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] nerd trivia challenge
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] nerd trivia challenge
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] (Semi-off topic) Looking for a place in NJ that does in-place expandable foam packing.
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] ReallyPopular<tm> movie
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] ReallyPopular<tm> movie
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] ReallyPopular<tm> movie
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Calling for [Point 4] IRIS programmers
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Bar in Philly tonight
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Testing....
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Testing....
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] The June Workshop will be June 11 & 12
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Oklahoma City?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] You should really have a redirect from to
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] You should really have a redirect from to
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Belated group pic from last Saturday
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Helpers needed to prepare InfoAge satellite dish exhibit
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Great day @ museum
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum Report
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum Report
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: please match subject line and content
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Roger Amidon, RIP....
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] German Nixdorf 820 Brochure
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: Anyone got an LCD monitor for sale?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] TDL / Apple story
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] TDL / Apple story
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Windows 1.04 SDK running in Bochs
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII: Evan's "Trinity Challenge"
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] PS- Re: VCF East XII: Evan's "Trinity Challenge"
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII: Evan's "Trinity Challenge" - Commodore Division
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII: Evan's "Trinity Challenge"
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] museum report
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII: Evan's "Trinity Challenge"
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Huge favor please :)
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] June 11/12 Workshop - Who's Going? Whatcha working on?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] June workshop prize
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] June 11/12 Workshop - Who's Going? Whatcha working on?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] June workshop prize
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] June 11/12 Workshop - Who's Going? Whatcha working on?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro ** fixed
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro ** fixed
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] MOnSter 6502 Project - Microprocessor in Discrete Components
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Evan @ IFIP
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Evan @ IFIP
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Evan @ IFIP
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Univac restoration
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Evan @ IFIP
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] The Transistor......Re: Evan @ IFIP
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] The Transistor......Re: Evan @ IFIP
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Apparently Authentic Apple 1 on eBay
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Old Super computers ( Was Re: Apparently Authentic Apple 1 on eBay )
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] 50 seconds in...
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East Kenbak lecture (and bonus!) are now online
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] 50 seconds in...
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Anyone wanna go to Finland?
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] 50 seconds in...
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Personal ebay score
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: cyber insurance
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wish me luck
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] IEEE coverage
Evan Koblentz
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wish me luck
Connor Krukosky
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help
Kelly Leavitt
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help
Kelly Leavitt
- [vcf-midatlantic] ADTPro help
Kelly Leavitt
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wish me luck
Michael Lee
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Christian Liendo
- [vcf-midatlantic] You should really have a redirect from to
Christian Liendo
- [vcf-midatlantic] Great article on Connor Krukosky
Christian Liendo
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wish me luck
Christian Liendo
- [vcf-midatlantic] LSSM outing
Mike Loewen
- [vcf-midatlantic] 3490E tapes
Mike Loewen
- [vcf-midatlantic] 3490E tapes
Mike Loewen
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII: Evan's "Trinity Challenge"
Mike Loewen
- [vcf-midatlantic] VAX 11/780 CIB available
Mike Loewen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Old Super computers ( Was Re: Apparently Authentic Apple 1 on eBay )
Mike Loewen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Homebrew 8080 machine in NJ
Mike Loewen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Workbench from hell
Mike Loewen
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Bill Loguidice
- [vcf-midatlantic] Steve Dompier's coding...
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Oklahoma City?
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Oklahoma City?
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] MOnSter 6502 Project - Microprocessor in Discrete Components
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] MOnSter 6502 Project - Microprocessor in Discrete Components
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII: Evan's "Trinity Challenge"
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] DECServer300 Internal PSU Wiring
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] (no subject)
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] how I got started, was Re: Old Super computers ( Was Re: Apparently Authentic Apple 1 on eBay )
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Anyone wanna go to Finland?
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Homebrew 8080 machine in NJ
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Old Apple & other Computers - Free
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Old Apple & other Computers - Free
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Workbench from hell
Dave McGuire
- [vcf-midatlantic] Video release order?
Steven Michelsen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cory - options for shipping your monitor, etc.
Steven Michelsen
- [vcf-midatlantic] ReallyPopular<tm> movie
Steven Michelsen
- [vcf-midatlantic] June 11/12 Workshop - Who's Going? Whatcha working on?
Steven Michelsen
- [vcf-midatlantic] nerd trivia challenge
Adam Michlin
- [vcf-midatlantic] ReallyPopular<tm> movie
Adam Michlin
- [vcf-midatlantic] ReallyPopular<tm> movie
Adam Michlin
- [vcf-midatlantic] Steve Dompier's coding...
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] Testing....
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII - 40th Anniversary of the "Trinity"
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] PS- Re: VCF East XII: Evan's "Trinity Challenge"
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] Huge favor please :)
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] Huge favor please :)
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] June 11/12 Workshop - Who's Going? Whatcha working on?
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wish me luck
Dean Notarnicola
- [vcf-midatlantic] VT320 CRT replacement?
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Testing....
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Old Apple & other Computers - Free
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Old Apple & other Computers - Free
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wish me luck
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] WTB: MOS6560 / VIC Chip or Parts VIC-20
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] Old Apple & other Computers - Free
Joseph Oprysko
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: please match subject line and content
Kyle Owen
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Matt Patoray
- [vcf-midatlantic] Testing....
Matt Patoray
- [vcf-midatlantic] Old Apple & other Computers - Free
Matt Patoray
- [vcf-midatlantic] VT320 CRT replacement? - Rejuvination
Jason Perkins
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Jason Perkins
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Jason Perkins
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Jason Perkins
- [vcf-midatlantic] Windows 1.04 SDK running in Bochs
Jason Perkins
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Jason Perkins
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Jason Perkins
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Jason Perkins
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Jason Perkins
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Jason Perkins
- [vcf-midatlantic] Apparently Authentic Apple 1 on eBay
Jason Perkins
- [vcf-midatlantic] Apparently Authentic Apple 1 on eBay
Jason Perkins
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII - 40th Anniversary of the "Trinity"
Bryan Pope
- [vcf-midatlantic] VT320 CRT replacement?
Ian Primus
- [vcf-midatlantic] VT320 CRT replacement?
Ian Primus
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Ian Primus
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Ian Primus
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
Ian Primus
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Ian Primus
- [vcf-midatlantic] VT320 CRT replacement?
David Riley
- [vcf-midatlantic] VT320 CRT replacement?
David Riley
- [vcf-midatlantic] VT320 CRT replacement?
David Riley
- [vcf-midatlantic] DEC Pathworks licenses?
David Riley
- [vcf-midatlantic] (Semi-off topic) Looking for a place in NJ that does in-place expandable foam packing.
David Riley
- [vcf-midatlantic] (Semi-off topic) Looking for a place in NJ that does in-place expandable foam packing.
David Riley
- [vcf-midatlantic] Festivus 2016 - Dec. 3 & 4
David Riley
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
David Riley
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
David Riley
- [vcf-midatlantic] June workshop prize
David Riley
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
David Riley
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
David Riley
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wish me luck
David Riley
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wish me luck
David Riley
- [vcf-midatlantic] TechRepublic Covers VCF East XI (2016)!!
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Lego LOGO: My childhood dream came true today!
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Steve Dompier's coding...
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Steve Dompier's coding...
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Steve Dompier's coding...
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] books about robots
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] (Semi-off topic) Looking for a place in NJ that does in-place expandable foam packing.
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] nerd trivia challenge
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] ReallyPopular<tm> movie
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Testing....
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Testing....
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] TDL / Apple story
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] June 11/12 Workshop - Who's Going? Whatcha working on?
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] June 11/12 Workshop - Who's Going? Whatcha working on?
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] semi-OT: downloading vintage computer document
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] semi-OT: downloading vintage computer document
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] The Transistor......Re: Evan @ IFIP
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] The Transistor......Re: Evan @ IFIP
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] The Transistor......Re: Evan @ IFIP
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] The Transistor......Re: Evan @ IFIP
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Personal ebay score
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] Anyone wanna go to Finland?
Dan Roganti
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII: Evan's "Trinity Challenge"
David Ryskalczyk
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
David Ryskalczyk
- [vcf-midatlantic] Roger Amidon, RIP....
Ray Sills
- [vcf-midatlantic] Old Apple & other Computers - Free
Ray Sills
- [vcf-midatlantic] Testing....
Brian L. Stuart
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII: Evan's "Trinity Challenge"
Brian L. Stuart
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII: Evan's "Trinity Challenge"
Brian L. Stuart
- [vcf-midatlantic] June 11/12 Workshop - Who's Going? Whatcha working on?
Brian L. Stuart
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cromemco Dazzler 40th birthday presents...
Bill Sudbrink
- [vcf-midatlantic] Steve Dompier's coding...
Bill Sudbrink
- [vcf-midatlantic] Steve Dompier's coding...
Bill Sudbrink
- [vcf-midatlantic] Steve Dompier's coding...
Bill Sudbrink
- [vcf-midatlantic] Cromemco Dazzler 40th birthday presents...
Bill Sudbrink
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Bill Sudbrink
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Bill Sudbrink
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wish me luck
Steven Toth
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: narrow LED flood bulb
Dave Wade
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
Dave Wade
- [vcf-midatlantic] Evan @ IFIP
Dave Wade
- [vcf-midatlantic] Evan @ IFIP
Dave Wade
- [vcf-midatlantic] Old Super computers ( Was Re: Apparently Authentic Apple 1 on eBay )
Dave Wade
- [vcf-midatlantic] Homebrew 8080 machine in NJ
Dave Wade
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wish me luck
Dave Wade
- [vcf-midatlantic] German Nixdorf 820 Brochure
Mike Willegal
- [vcf-midatlantic] (no subject)
Mike Willegal
- [vcf-midatlantic] Lego LOGO: My childhood dream came true today!
jakari at
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Black Apple
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] (Semi-off topic) Looking for a place in NJ that does in-place expandable foam packing.
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Lo-Tech Z-80 Test Board
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Testing....
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Commodore Mid-Atlantic Connection Article
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Roger Amidon, RIP....
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] OT: One modern PC, two screens
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] 32k core unibus backplane
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII: Evan's "Trinity Challenge"
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII: Evan's "Trinity Challenge"
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] PDP 11/40 update
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Apple II Turtle Logo on Ebay.
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] 50 seconds in...
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] 50 seconds in...
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] 50 seconds in...
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] 50 seconds in...
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Wish me luck
william degnan
- [vcf-midatlantic] Apple 1 demo @ VCF East: video
chrisjpf33 at
- [vcf-midatlantic] VCF East XII: Evan's "Trinity Challenge" - Commodore Division
chrisjpf33 at
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
chrisjpf33 at
- [vcf-midatlantic] Good source for eproms?
chrisjpf33 at
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
chrisjpf33 at
- [vcf-midatlantic] Robots and Relays and Commodore
chrisjpf33 at
- [vcf-midatlantic] Museum report
VAXman at
- [vcf-midatlantic] Testing....
VAXman at
- [vcf-midatlantic] Old Super computers ( Was Re: Apparently Authentic Apple 1 on eBay )
Derrik Walker v2.0
- [vcf-midatlantic] Old Super computers ( Was Re: Apparently Authentic Apple 1 on eBay )
Derrik Walker v2.0
Last message date:
Tue May 31 23:33:21 EDT 2016
Archived on: Sat Jun 16 02:25:20 EDT 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).