[vcf-midatlantic] Festivus 2016 Dec 3 & 4 - Equipment, Drinks, Food, Entertainment

Herb Johnson hjohnson at retrotechnology.info
Mon Nov 28 16:24:44 EST 2016

Jeffrey Brace;

> Also I'm not sure who the coffee drinkers out there are. We have the
> filtered kind (Dunkin Donuts) and K-Cups. I will have milk, sugar, cream
> etc. available.

Hot water for tea? Coffee is too caffeinated for me. Otherwise I'll use 
the microwave but it's noizy.

Thanks for linked photos of the cafeteria. Makes it clear now, there's a 
sink, a small microwave, a conventional commercial coffeepot for ground 
coffee, many refrigerators. Possibly a sliced bread toaster on that 
shelf at the end of the refrigerators; a hot water pot on the right 

For those who stay overnight, it is a blessing and a convenience to make 
a simple breakfast on-site. I'm very thankful to InfoAge (and the state 
of NJ) for this facility.


Herbert R. Johnson,  New Jersey USA
http://www.retrotechnology.com OR .net

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