[vcf-midatlantic] Good stuff available in northern NJ / southern NY state

Evan Koblentz evan at snarc.net
Wed Oct 5 00:17:52 EDT 2016

There's a bunch of good stuff available for the taking in northern NJ / 
southern NY state. It is free to good homes, but the owner would 
appreciate reasonable cash donations -- please don't take advantage of 
him. He has Parkinson's disease, so he is definitely NOT shipping anything.

The items are in two locations (his home in Hewitt, NJ and an airplane 
hangar in Montgomery, NY). I don't have a specific breakdown of which 
items are at which locations. But, he said that the items in the hangar 
MUST be moved by the end of this month or they'll be thrown away.

The full list of items (both locations) he sent me is:

- 10 (or more) Kaypros
- 6 (or more) Epson QX-10
- 1 or 2 Zorbas
- 1 Televideo TS-803
- 1 Philips 2000
- 1 Xerox 820
- Several dot matrix printers.
- Several CRT monitors
- 1 Apple small monitor (used with an Apple 2 C)
- 1 Compaq portable
- 1 Commodore 128
- 1 Tandy Color Computer
- 1 Toshiba luggable with plasma display. (at home)
- 1 external 8" floppy drive
- 1 external 5" floppy drive
- 1 IBM PC-Junior
- 1 DEC Decwriter III
- 1 Japanese Word Processor.
- Floppy disks, (5 and 8") manuals, etc. (at home)
- 1 Diablo printer + some ribbons and wheels. (at home)
- 1 CD reader with SCSI interface.
- acoustic coupler modem
- "Probably more things I don't recall at the moment."

He has one other artifact which VCFed has dibs on: an HP-21MX 
minicomputer located at his home. This is non-negotiable. It's ours. :) 
Obviously we would be grateful if someone can go retrieve it for us and 
bring it to the museum. Very important: if you can retrieve it for us, 
then you MUST let us know ahead of time; don't tell me after the fact.

He also has, at home, a new-ish Supermicro pedestal file server:

We don't need that, but he wants it to go together with the HP, so be 
warned. :)

Contact: Roberto Waltman, 973-853-0042, rgwaltman at warwick.net

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