[vcf-midatlantic] Donations requested

Herb Johnson hjohnson at retrotechnology.info
Tue Oct 25 21:49:47 EDT 2016

Thanks to all, who posted references to Netatalk 2.X, and also Apple 
II's using such resources. I'm a little surprised that 
Appletalk/Ethernet printer interfaces can be used, but in the end all 
they have to do is pass packets. I'll look it over for my purposes, but 
it looks a little challenging for mere mortals (including me) to use.

On handling Mac disk images. There's some not-freeware that manages Mac 
volumes under Windows, but it's not expensive. Presumably Linux can 
mount Mac volumes once physically connected.

also good to see some Mac software image archives, thanks for those links.

Looks like Adam could use a IIci or IIcx system. I like them myself, I 
need to fix my motherboards.


Herbert R. Johnson,  New Jersey USA
http://www.retrotechnology.com OR .net
preservation of 1970's computing
email: hjohnson AAT retrotechnology DOTT com
alternate: herbjohnson ATT retrotechnology DOTT info

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