[vcf-midatlantic] Painting

Jeffrey Brace ark72axow at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 02:14:49 EDT 2016

I agree with you whole-heatedly Dan! Lots of good points!

On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 9:52 PM, Dan Roganti via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 5:38 PM, Evan Koblentz via vcf-midatlantic <
> vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:
> > Painting the top few feet of our walls (top of the door frame to the
> >> ceiling) would be easy, but painting the ceiling itself would be
> difficult
> >> detail-wise. Rollers on sticks wouldn't get the all the edges. There are
> >> many edges because the ceiling is WW2 style. I asked Tony for his
> opinion
> >> because he seems to know a lot about painting. He recommended getting
> >> professional estimates. He said if the cost is exorbitant then he can
> >> probably get some of his worker to come help, but he emphasized that the
> >> tall, large ceiling really should he done by pros to look halfway
> decent. I
> >> will get a few estimates.
> >>
> >
> > But since I erred and let out the secret, I might as well tell you guys
> > about it.
> >
> > Our museum room is a big boring white box.
> >
> > The ceiling is high (10 ft.?) with about 3 feet between the top of the
> > door frames and the ceiling itself. We think it would look much better if
> > we paint that area (all around the room) and the ceiling a dark shade of
> > blue. That would bring people's eyes down to the artifacts, hide much of
> > the big ugly ceiling, and we further plan to break up the blue/white line
> > with creative placement of signs (and also some LED TVs).
> >
> > Thus we're seeking the most efficient way of painting the ceiling.
> > Cheapest way is DIY, but that would also be the worst quality. :)
> >
> ​I think I can safely say I'm not the only one who has no idea about what
> problem you have with the ceiling. I thought the room looked great as a
> start for the new museum wing. It is a nice change of pace since the old
> museum wing. I don't know about the rest of you  but the ceiling was the
> ultimately the farthest thing from my mind to peer up glazing at nothing
> with all of the splendid artifacts in the museum. The only time I ever did
> look at the ceiling was after my trip while looking at the photos with just
> being curious how much lighting there was in the room. Aren't the artifacts
> still not good enough to keep the people interested and occupied ?? I find
> that hard to believe.
> I'm very curious to know how you surmised with your human logic that people
> keep staring at the ceiling instead of the artifacts. What on earth is so
> wrong with a white room. White helps reflect sunlight and the lightening in
> the room. It's the most ecological color to use, and beyond that you really
> prefer to keep it bright with a variety of shades to make it attractive.
> This renovation sounds like the beginnings of an adhoc html webpage on
> Geocities from the 1990s.
> How about before trying to .mask. whatever perception of problem which you
> might have with the ceiling, try adding some adornments that is befitting
> of a museum before creating a disaster with a paint job. Is it so urgent to
> splash gallons of some bland color cause nobody wants to spend the time to
> be creative. Avoid turning that into a some eerily cavernous habitat from
> Colossal cave with bright white lights beaming down from the ceiling while
> expecting a Grue to jump upon you. You know the saying about a movie
> production, the filming can be great [the artifacts], but if the soundtrack
> sucks ass [the interior], the movie will still be crap [the museum].
> How about for starters, hold off on the geek gadgets. Replace those
> friggin' awful ghetto paint-can stanchions with the actual thing. Get
> somebody with some artistic talent to make the wall presentations, you just
> provide the historical content which gets embedded into the artwork.
> Somebody that can do more than just print out pictures from a google
> search, one than can actually design and create some artwork using
> inexpensive materials. Buy them the materials, it's cheap. You can get
> students from an art school to volunteer for this. And then maybe, maybe
> !!, instead of blanking that entire ceiling and surroundings with some
> awful bland color, how about being creative here too. Get another art
> student to volunteer and paint a little historical mural up there - like
> Michelangelo. The scaffolding is not so expensive to rent. The painting
> tarps are dirt cheap. So if some visitors do happen to look up, I don't
> know who or why still, but then they have a more supremely interesting view
> to enjoy than a friggin' black hole above their head.
> It's time you quit being so cheezy, it's doesn't cost a fortune to make it
> appear professional. Begin frugal is not supposed to look cheap.
> that's my 2cents
> Dan
> [pun intended]
> --
>  _  ____
> / \__/   Scotty, We Need More Power !!
> \_/ _\__ Aye, Cap'n, but we've only got 80 col's !!

Jeff Brace - ark72axow at gmail.com

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