[vcf-midatlantic] pickup and hold some NEXT/SGI monitors in SilverSpring off rte 97

Ethan telmnstr at 757.org
Fri Sep 2 13:28:30 EDT 2016

> Anyone able to hold a few Next and SGI monitors for the club temporarily?
> i have someone who has them, could probably deliver to you if you're
> nearby.
> Sorry to impose, hate to lose the opportunity for someone who might want
> these.  if you're available *this weekend* especially...the guy has them
> loaded in his car already.  Contact me off list.
> Thanks
> Bill

I'm in Chantilly VA. I will be going scuba diving tomorrow (Saturday) but 
will be in/out the rest of Sunday / Monday.

How many monitors? If it's just a few I can probably hold them for a bit.
Hopefully Granite SGI monitors :-)

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