[vcf-midatlantic] Last call for those coming to workshop 9/17 & 9/18

Todd George todd.george at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 21:06:59 EDT 2016

> XX) Lost count.  I'm 90% sure I'm coming at least saturday.  May bring
> TRS-80 M3 or 4 and H-500 with broken clock generator - Need 5000uf 10v-ish
> caps, axial I suspect.  ESR meter is on the way, but probably won't make
> to the show.
> So some junk drawer caps and and ESR would be helpful.

I'll definitely have my ESR meter.  I'm low on ~5000uf caps, I need a few
for my one Macintosh.  Will be ordering them, but won't have them in time
for the workshop due to lack of planning.

See ya!

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