[vcf-midatlantic] my VCF midwest wrapup

Jeffrey Jonas jeffrey.scott.jonas at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 03:15:07 EDT 2016

"There are no strangers, only friends you have not met yet"
--- W.B. Yeats

"A stranger is just a friend I haven't met yet."
-- Will Rogers

I just returned from my first VCF Midwest.
It was totally awesome. A most glorious, drama-free weekend
of vintage computers, reproductions, simulators and emulators
but mostly all the great folks who create and appreciate them.

I owe a zillion thanks to Connor
for making it possible for me to attend.

I was surprised at how many folks I already knew
(either from VCF east, or online)
and all the new friends I made so easily and comfortably.

The dinners were great for schmoozing
- the pizza place with the amazing pizza
sliced into small squares, perfect for sharing.
- the salad bar, with discount coupons thanks to Eric
- the "dead dog party" afterwards

The "free table" was like the dumpster diving after
TCF (Trenton Computer Fest) but it was all weekend.
I am enjoying items such as
- empty chip rails
- 5V and 12V power cubes
- more home router/switches

I had to pay for some items (GASP!)
- a pretty silver Kensington trackball (dealer's den)
- laser barcode scanner and more Palm PDAs from the auction

The most bizarre item I got:
a large heavy single axis gyro at the auction.

My only laments are
- missing the free rail of MAX232 chips
- not attending sooner!

-- jeff jonas

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