[vcf-midatlantic] May 6/7 Volunteer Day / Workshop Shop Weekend
Jeffrey Brace
ark72axow at gmail.com
Sun Apr 16 21:14:58 EDT 2017
I received a blank message from you. Did you want to say something?
On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 6:53 PM, Duane via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:
> -----Original Message----- From: Jeffrey Brace via vcf-midatlantic Sent:
> Sunday, April 16, 2017 3:22 PM To: vcf-midatlantic Cc: Jeffrey Brace
> Subject: [vcf-midatlantic] May 6/7 Volunteer Day / Workshop Shop Weekend
> We are having another workshop weekend. This time with a twist.
> May 6 we are looking for volunteers to work for 3 hours from 10am to 1pm.
> This will be hard work of clearing weeds from behind the warehouse, fixing
> the field ruined from VCF East, removing plywood from the warehouse
> windows, etc. Anyone is certainly welcome to work beyond the 3 hours, but 3
> hours is the minimum we are asking. Evan, Corey and I will be assigning
> volunteers to specific tasks for this event. This will help our group and
> InfoAge as a whole.
> In exchange for this volunteer work VCF will buy volunteers lunch, waive
> the workshop fee for the weekend and give two t-shirts (VCF West XI and VCF
> East XII).
> Understand that this is serious work and we need serous workers who are not
> there just to socialize. There are showers in 9010-D that one can use to
> clean up afterwards.
> After the volunteer work, then the workshop begins. We will be starting
> around 1:30pm on Saturday May 6 and going through Sunday until around 5 or
> 6pm.
> We will be having the workshop in 9010-D which is where we had Festivus. It
> will be in the cafeteria and the game room.
> If you are interested in volunteering, then please contact me directly and
> I will add you to the list of volunteers.
> If you are just coming to the workshop, then the usual workshop rules
> apply. I will send out that info later.
> --
> Jeff Brace - ark72axow at gmail.com
> Sent from my Commodore 64
> ========================================================
Jeff Brace - ark72axow at gmail.com
Sent from my Commodore 64
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