[vcf-midatlantic] Great vintage computer article.

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Wed Apr 19 15:06:27 EDT 2017

On 04/19/2017 03:03 PM, Neil Cherry wrote:
>>>>   I forgot to address this part.  They are still "physical
>>>> servers"...just SOMEONE ELSE'S.
>>> Technically they're virtual (on physical that can be swapped
>>> dynamically).
>>> That can present some interesting challenges unto itself.
>>   ...and technically they're physical servers underneath.  (I don't
>> run much of anything
>> on bare metal either, other than hypervisors!)
> Very much so, there is no virtual without the physical but many of the
> customers now purchase the virtual and it doesn't live where they think
> it lives. Which is now basically any data center in the world.
> BTW, much of the LTE network is now virtual (functionality has shifted
> out of having specific device, when general will do). Still not possible
> to make antenna or transport vitual (though you can make the upper layers
> virtual).
> Overall I like the idea of virtual, but I bet the regulatory side is a
> nightmare.

   Yes it is.  I design stuff in the cellular data space.  It's awful. 
LTE was very much a "protocol designed by committee"...it works pretty 
well, mostly, but that's a miracle.  Fully 2/3 of the protocol deals 
with regulatory requirements and billing!


Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA

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