[vcf-midatlantic] Traveling south for VCF East from Landenberg PA by car
william degnan
billdegnan at gmail.com
Sat Apr 22 19:57:59 EDT 2017
I am traveling by car with my video camera to the VCF SEast. leaving early
this week (Tues or early Weds). No fixed schedule. Should anyone who is
in the process of finalizing/packing their exhibit for the event and would
be interested in being videoed briefly doing so let me know. It's for an
informal documentary about the hobby that I have been working to complete
for a few years now. I am just about done with phase 1 of the project. I
need a little more about what a person does to get ready to exhibit, the
work involved and then pair it up with the exhibit at the show.
Looking for someone who is roughly between Roswell GA and Landenberg, PA (@
~DE/MD/PA border) Even if you are not interested maybe you know someone
who might be ... please pass this message along. I will not be in the way
but I would need to plan my travels to time my arrival(s) to get useful
I'd also be interested if you have a big collection of vintage computers
that you'd like to capture on video for the documentary.
Contact me privately if interested: http://vintagecomputer.net/contact.cfm
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