[vcf-midatlantic] PC needed for VCFed BBS

Joseph Oprysko joprysko1 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 27 00:13:42 EDT 2017

That's something we may or may not do. While I have read about it,
generally one of the advantages of telneting into a BBS is to take
advantage of the higher speeds. Plus I actually think there may be a
setting buried in the BBS configuration that can limit the data rate over
telnet. I've never actually played with "slowing down" a telnet connection
in MajorBBS that way.  But it's got hundreds if not a couple thousand
various configuration options for just about every aspect of the BBS.

On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 12:07 AM RETRO Innovations via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vintagecomputerfederation.org> wrote:

> On 4/26/2017 3:45 PM, Evan Koblentz via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
> >>> One thing I was thinking was that there is a (device/software app?)
> that
> > makes a telnet connection limited to "Modem" speeds. Not sure if that's
> > something I would implement, but am considering it, to keep the "Feel" of
> > dialup BBSing.
> >
> > Yes! Do that
> You should be able to mod tcpser to do that. Source is online
> Jim
> --
> RETRO Innovations, Contemporary Gear for Classic Systems
> www.go4retro.com
> store.go4retro.com
> --
Normal Person: Hey, it seems that you know a lot.
Geek: To be honest, it's due to all the surfing I do.
Normal Person: So you go surfing?
Normal Person: But I don't think that has anything to do with knowing a
Geek: I think that's wrong on a fundamental level.
Normal Person: Huh? Huh? What?

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