[vcf-midatlantic] Ideas needed: attaching our tablets to shelf poles

Evan Koblentz evan at vcfed.org
Mon Feb 6 17:43:10 EST 2017


None of my ideas for attaching a tablet to our shelving units have yet 
panned out.

Following are * specific requirements *.

- We need to install tablets vertically against the metal upright poles 
of our shelving units in the museum. (Poles are this style: 
http://tinyurl.com/zzz9rch but the tablets need to be against the 
vertical pole, not involving the actual shelves.)

- The tablets (Insignia Flex 8) only cost $50. So we do not want an 
industrial mounting system that costs just as much or more.

- The tablets need to be flush (more or less) to the poles, not sticking 
out. They do not need to be adjustable; in fact I'd prefer they are not 

- The mounts don't need to lock, but they do need to be basically secure 
-- goal is to stop a visitors from casually walking away with one, not 
stop a determined criminal.

- Must be non-ugly. This is a museum, not your workshop.

My first plan was to buy hard-shell tablet cases and put 
pipe/conduit-style U-clamps on the back of them. But I wasn't able to 
find hard-shell cases that fit the dimensions of these tablets.

Second plan was to use locks like the kind atop this stand: 
http://tinyurl.com/zfqx6yl (you only get the horizontal part on top and 
the locking mechanism). Figured we could adapt those to be installed on 
top of a piece of plexi or sheet metal, in the shape of a tablet, with 
the bottom bent up like capital J. But the lock thingamajigs do not fit 
our tablets.

Third idea was to use something like this (http://tinyurl.com/zs6nkea) 
but they are too big for our tablets. Also they're ugly.

I need new ideas. Some folks suggested attaching U-clamps directly to 
the back of the tablets, but that is permanent-ish. I don't want to do that.

We need to solve this ASAP. I want to install the tablets in time for 
VCF East.
Evan Koblentz, director
Vintage Computer Federation
a 501(c)3 educational non-profit

evan at vcfed.org
(646) 546-9999


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