[vcf-midatlantic] stuff to donate

William Dudley wfdudley at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 11:40:35 EST 2017

I found some more stuff that may be of interest to the
museum or to the members of this list.

I would like Evan to weigh in on the museum's interest.
Should Evan pass on something, the rest of you can
figure out who ends up with an item.

1. US Robotics USR330 modem.  This is a very early
300 baud consumer/hobbyist modem.  It's in a vacuum-formed
case, along with a comically large "data access arrangement" (DAA)
as required by telecom rules back in the day.

2. An AT&T Dataphone II 2224B modem, with power supply.  This was
hot-shit in it's day.  It would do 2400 bits/second.

3. A Digital Equipment Corp h312a null modem.  It is also
comically large, considering what it is.

4. New, in the shrink-wrap, manuals for AT&T 6386 computer:
"Service Manual" and "Hardware Reference Manual"

5. IBM "APL/1130 Primer - Student Text" copyright 1968.  This was
one of my texts in high school.  I have TWO pristine copies of this.

6. SPITBOL Version 2.0 manual, Feb 12 1971.  This is stapled together, not
a bound book, but is never the less early documentation for the language.

7. A full, four volume set of manuals AND 5 1/4" disks for STSC APL PLUS/PC,
copyright 1987.  Hardcover binders in slip cases.

8. AT&T 6300 Plus Service Manual and Hardware Reference Manual.
Two hard cover binders in slip cases, including several different diagnostic
diskettes (5 1/4").

I plan on bringing this stuff to the VCF workshop this weekend, unless
we're snowed/cancelled due to weather.

Pictures of items 1,2, 3, and 4 are here:

Bill Dudley
whose house looks like an episode of "Hoarders".

This email is free of malware because I run Linux.

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