[vcf-midatlantic] Ideas needed: attaching our tablets to shelf poles

Herb Johnson hjohnson at retrotechnology.info
Sun Feb 12 14:34:03 EST 2017

I read today this thread, about attaching tablets near the exhibits. My 
impressions of Evan's requirements are: ASAP, keep tablet secure from 
theft, "look slick", zero to a few tens of dollars to mount, provide 
visitor access to screen/touch.

I also suggest: tablet access to people of varying height or physical 
access. Vision limited people may need to hold it close. Youngsters are 
often short. Persons in wheelchairs. I have a plan B for these.

The simplest ASAP means to secure the tablets, is a plastic-covered 
metal rope, looped or locked at the tablet, bolted at the display shelf. 
Most tablets have a loop for this purpose, or one could be epoxied on.

This is not "slick" but can at least look professional. I own 
institutional Macs from the 90's which were secured in this way. it's 
relatively cheap. And, if a better solution is found, these can be 
removed and discarded. Wire rope is at Home Depot, Lowes, etc. by the 
foot, in various colors and clear.

Plan B for more a accessible solution: a loaner tablet, with all the 
exhibit apps, and a means of navigating them. Not "secure"? Ask to hold 
a driver's license, a standard request for loaned items. Need I explain 


Herbert R. Johnson, New Jersey in the USA
http://www.retrotechnology.com OR .net

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