[vcf-midatlantic] Workshop February 11&12, 2017 Wrap-up

Evan Koblentz evan at vcfed.org
Mon Feb 13 16:30:50 EST 2017

>> The other place is a memory address that Dan R. determined and
>> explained to me a few weeks ago. There's a very simple equation to
>> change it for different slots, which I completely forgot to do until
>> another hour went by. It dawned on me while I took a bathroom break. :)
>    Is that what's called a "memory dump"?  :-)

Something like that. :)

The equation is reeeeeeeeeal simple: (provided 5-digit number) + S * 16. 
Dan previously reminded me to do the multiplication first. I ran back 
from the bathroom to the workshop area CERTAIN that it would work. Made 
the change and it still didn't work ... then I realized that when I'd 
stepped away from the table to go pee, I'd accidentally knocked the 
power cord loose for the Lego interface box. Re-attached that and NOW it 

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