[vcf-midatlantic] museum report

Evan Koblentz evan at vcfed.org
Wed Feb 15 21:53:01 EST 2017

I was in our museum from 1pm-4pm today. It was quiet. I feel asleep at 
the chair of our office PC, so I don't know if there were any visitors!

Had a meeting at 4:00 with Fred and two of the Infoage board members 
about improving the Infoage website.

Then I went to the main Infoage staff meeting at 6:30. Only thing going 
on that affects us is they're having a veteran's day thing on Saturday 
May 20 with extended museum hours. The rest of us is normal bureaucratic 
baloney. :)

Evan Koblentz, director
Vintage Computer Federation
a 501(c)3 educational non-profit

evan at vcfed.org
(646) 546-9999


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